WhirLocal Salem

(118 reviews)

222 Commercial St NE PMB 2303
Salem, Oregon 97301

Did you know that there are over 70 million homeless dogs and cats in the United States alone? That’s a whole lot of pets without homes! National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day is coming up on April 30th and it’s time to find your new best friend.

When you adopt a shelter pet, you not only save an animal’s life, you gain a new companion and you can also save money in the process. You also support your local animal shelter, like Willamette Humane Society, so they can have a greater impact by making space for other homeless animals.

So why not celebrate National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day by visiting your nearest shelter. Your new best friend may be waiting for you. If you are not able to meet the needs of a pet long term, then perhaps you might consider checking for volunteer opportunities with the shelter, or browse their current needs checklist to see if there are any items you might be able to donate.

If you do end up adopting a shelter pet, you can help spread the word by sharing pictures of your adopted pet on social media using #AdoptAShelterPetDay.

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