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WhirLocal Salem

(116 reviews)

222 Commercial St NE PMB 2303
Salem, Oregon 97301

There’s a business in Salem, Oregon that’s been adding color and life to homes and buildings for nearly two decades. Elvis’s Painting, a Latino-owned local painting company, isn’t just about brushes and ladders—it’s a story of passion, community, and a commitment to excellence. As a proud member of the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce, The Homebuilders Association of Marion & Polk County, and the Professional Business Development Group Association, Elvis Alvarez is proud to be building his business in the Salem community.

The Man Behind the Brush: Elvis Alvarez

Elvis Alvarez, the heart and soul of Elvis’s Painting, started his journey in 2004. With a love for meeting new people and a passion for transforming spaces, Elvis embarked on a mission to bring a new level of quality and service to the painting industry in Salem. His approach is simple yet profound, understanding that each stroke of the brush is a step towards creating someone’s dream space.

Elvis Alvarez, Elvis's Painting LLC Salem Oregon

Services That Speak Volumes

Elvis’s Painting offers a spectrum of services that cater to every need. Whether it’s the cozy corner of a living room or the expansive exterior of a commercial building, Elvis and his team have the expertise to handle it all. Their services include interior and exterior painting, pressure washing, and even detailed work like cabinet refinishing. But it’s not just about the variety of services; it’s the quality and care that set them apart.

A Family Affair

What makes Elvis’s Painting truly special is its family-oriented approach. Elvis works closely with his brother, who also owns a painting company. This collaboration not only enhances their service quality but also brings a sense of family and community to every project they undertake.

Favorite Recent Project

One of Elvis’s favorite recent projects, a triplex in Albany, stands out due to the overall transformation of the property that he and his team were able to make happen. The project involved both interior and exterior work, showcasing the dramatic change that a quality paint job can bring. It’s these transformations that drive Elvis and his team—the joy of seeing a space reborn through their work.

Is It Time To Repaint Your Interior Space?

Knowing when to repaint is crucial. Since it is winter, Elvis’s Painting is currently focusing on interior painting projects. When asked for factors that people should take into consideration if it is time to paint, he shared some of the following insights:

  • Look for signs like fading paint, cracking caulking on the trim, or damaged walls are clear indicators that it is time to repaint.
  • Additionally, repainting can be essential when selling your home or after moving into a new place to give it a personal touch.
  • If you’re just looking for a refresh to your interior space with fresh new colors, now is a great time to repaint.
  • Whatever the reason might be, Elvis’s Painting is ready to step in and offer expert advice and services.

The Color of Choice: Agreeable Gray

Elvis prefers using high-quality paints like Sherwin Williams, with a particular fondness for “Agreeable Gray” – a neutral, versatile color perfect for both interior and exterior projects. With decades of experience as a painting contractor, Elvis both understands current trends and has a commitment to providing options that resonate with his clients’ preferences.

More Than Just Painting

Elvis’s Painting goes beyond the brush. They offer services like cabinet refinishing, drywall repair, deck staining, painting, and even wallpaper removal. This versatility means they can handle almost any challenge a home or building presents.

Community Values

As a Latino-owned business, Elvis’s Painting is more than a company; he knows the vital importance of family and community. As members of local organizations like the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce and The Homebuilders Association, their commitment to the community’s growth and prosperity is showcased.

A Personal Touch

Getting to know Elvis, one quickly realizes his love for the community. His favorite restaurant is the local Olive Garden, where he enjoys the Tuscan soup. If he could choose a vacation spot, it would be the sunny beaches of Los Cabos, Mexico. Elvis lives, works, and plays in the Salem area, making him not just a business owner but a part of the community fabric.

Quality as a Promise

Elvis’s Painting stands on the pillars of quality and customer satisfaction. With over 20 years of experience, they’ve never faced a problem they couldn’t solve. This track record isn’t just about skill; it’s about a relentless commitment to doing things right.

A Brush with Greatness

In Salem, Elvis’s Painting is more than just a service; it’s a story of passion, community, and excellence. Elvis and his team bring dreams to life, one brush stroke at a time.

For those in Salem looking to add a splash of color to their lives (and homes), Elvis’s Painting is now taking on new projects. With a commitment to quality, a heart for the community, and a brush in hand, Elvis Alvarez is painting Salem in shades of excellence.

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