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Acres of Hope Youth Ranch is changing lives, one young person at a time. Located just outside of West Salem, founders Emmy and Justin Arana have created a comfortable place where the mutual healing power of equine therapy and mentorship fosters growth, healing, and a renewed sense of hope among hurting youth. This unique non-profit is full of compassion and support, dedicated to addressing the complex challenges facing today’s adolescents.

Founded on the principles of empathy, healing, and personal growth, Acres of Hope provides a seemingly unconventional sanctuary in today’s busy digital world where young lives are not only loved and understood but genuinely nurtured towards a brighter future.

As founders, Emmy & Justin’s journey to establishing Acres of Hope is as much a story of personal calling as it is of community service. Emmy (CEO), with a rich background in education and a deeply personal understanding of the therapeutic value of equine companionship, and Justin (COO), whose expertise in construction has provided practical skills upon which the ranch operates.

As the vision started taking shape, they believed that the healing bond between humans, horses, and God could serve as a cornerstone for rebuilding the lives of youth facing emotional and mental challenges, and this grew out of personal experience as both Emmy and Justin had horses growing up. “Our origin story goes back to when I was a teenager,” Emmy reveals. “Acres of Hope wouldn’t have been here had I not gone through what I did as a teenager. So I’m pretty passionate about sharing with people, especially believers, letting God use our pain, to bring beauty from it and to bring healing and to let other people know that they’re not alone.”

The Encouragement to Start

Their vision was solidified as they started sharing it with others. Emmy recalls how sharing their vision with others led to unexpected support and guidance, illustrating the crucial role that encouragement plays in turning dreams into reality. “I started to be brave and share this vision with other people,” she notes, highlighting the pivotal moment when the idea of Acres of Hope began to gain momentum.

Key mentors in the early part of their journey provided not just encouragement but practical advice and connections. For example, one of the most significant connections was with Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Central Oregon. Emmy’s interaction with Crystal Peaks—a ranch with a similar mission—served as both inspiration and a blueprint for what Acres of Hope could become. “They had an information clinic for people that had a desire to do something similar,” Emmy explains, shedding light on the educational and spiritual nourishment they received from Crystal Peaks. This experience and connection gave them the power to believe that whether you have one horse or ten horses, as long as they kept Jesus at the center they could offer hope to hurting kids at the ranch.

A Door Opens

The path to establishing Acres of Hope was not straightforward. A big turning point came when a friend mentioned a 40-acre equestrian facility for sale—a place that seemed way beyond reach in many ways, including financially, but would eventually become their new home. “Insert a mentor of mine, [we] went to coffee with her that week and [I] just happened to mention it,” Emmy shares, recounting the moments that led them to the property that Acres of Hope now calls home. Emmy and Justin’s story is a powerful reminder of the impact of mentorship, the strength found in community, and the extraordinary things that can happen when faith leads the way.

The Mission at Heart

At the core of Acres of Hope Youth Ranch is a mission that goes beyond simple horseback riding lessons or outdoor activities. The ranch is committed to providing mentorship and healing for youth grappling with various forms of emotional pain, utilizing the unique therapeutic relationship that forms between horses and humans as a conduit for this healing. The essence of the mission is captured in the practice of pairing each participant with a horse, facilitating a connection that promotes emotional healing, builds trust, and nurtures resilience.

The process through which the ranch pairs hurting teens with horses is both thoughtful and intuitive, relying on the natural empathy and sensitivity of the horses to meet the emotional needs of the youth. This pairing is central to the ranch’s therapeutic approach, creating opportunities for participants to experience unconditional acceptance and to develop coping strategies through their interactions with the horses.

Mentorship, too, plays a crucial role in the ranch’s mission. Guided by the principle that every young person deserves to feel seen, understood, and supported, Acres of Hope offers one-on-one mentorship that complements the equine therapy component. These mentor relationships are built on trust, respect, and the mutual goal of navigating the path toward healing and personal growth.

It has also grown beyond horses. The ranch now offers an art studio where kids can be expressive through the stroke of a paintbrush instead of brushing a horse’s mane. This creative outlet became part of their program kind of by accident, reflecting Acres of Hope’s responsive approach to the needs and passions of its participants. Emmy shares a poignant moment that underscored the importance of art in healing, “We had a session leader sitting on the dirt floor arena with a piece of paper and horse paint because this kid had just lost one of her best friends at 10 years old, and she’s processing this grief and art helped her.” This story illustrates how activities like art, often overlooked in traditional therapeutic settings, can be powerful tools in navigating the complexities of grief and trauma.

In addition to the art studio, the presence of animals beyond the equine companions provides another layer of comfort and joy. The ranch is home to cats that have become beloved by the kids, offering them a chance to engage in carefree play or simply enjoy the calming effect of a purring friend nestled in their lap. “We talk a lot about life. So we talk about transitions, so variety… they can cuddle with cats, they can sit and talk,” Emmy elaborates, highlighting the simple yet profound impact of these interactions on the children’s well-being.

These activities, along with others like archery, headed up by Justin, enrich the therapeutic programs of Acres of Hope and offers diverse avenues for healing, learning, and growth. By embracing a broad spectrum of therapeutic activities, Emmy and Justin ensure that every child who comes to Acres of Hope can find a space where they feel valued, understood, and, most importantly, where they can begin to heal on their own terms.

Navigating Societal Pressures

At Acres of Hope Youth Ranch, Emmy and Justin Arana have witnessed firsthand the diverse and complex struggles that today’s youth face. As they help the youth face these issues, Emmy did clarify that they are a ministry-based mentorship program. She doesn’t want to speak as if they have any clinical background, so their observations are just experiential. With that said, there are a variety of challenges that they are seeing every day.

One of the most pervasive challenges today’s youth encounter is the influence of digital and social media. The digital age, while offering unparalleled opportunities for connection and learning, also brings with it a constant comparison, cyberbullying, and unrealistic expectations of life and self-image. “I think staring at screens, not only for kids, but for adults, is not helping at all,” Emmy observes. “I think it’s a form of addiction that we don’t know how to combat, we don’t know how to put it down.” She adds, “I will admit I struggle with my screen and being on it, it’s a way to check out and to not feel.”

This insight into the digital dilemma underscores the need for places like Acres of Hope, where youth can disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with nature, animals, and a supportive community.

The Quest for Identity and Role Models

Another significant challenge is the quest for identity in a world that often seems to prioritize conformity over individuality. The absence of positive role models exacerbates this issue, leaving many young people to navigate the complexities of growing up without guidance or support. Emmy and Justin recognize this gap and strive to fill it, not just through their own mentorship but by fostering relationships between the youth and their equine mentors. These connections can offer stability, love, and acceptance, helping participants to discover their true selves in a judgment-free zone.

Mental Health, Emotional Well-being, & Father Figures

Mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, are on the rise among adolescents. The reasons behind this trend are multifaceted, ranging from familial issues to societal pressures, neglect (even if it is unintentional) and a lack of father figures. Justin points out, “Having a quality father figure in a kid’s life is just so important. There’s something very special and unique about a father figure that’s caring and loving and strong and supportive,”. He adds, “And I think if, let’s say all homes had a great caring, strong, loving, supportive father figure in their lives, like we would probably be out of business.”

Addressing the critical issue of youth suicide, Acres of Hope Youth Ranch has implemented a robust suicide prevention protocol, central to which is the training of all session leaders in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) techniques, likened to CPR for mental health. This training equips staff to effectively respond to signs of suicidal ideation among participants, providing immediate support and connecting them with necessary resources. Their approach underscores the importance of proactive measures and the powerful impact of intervention in saving young lives.

Acres of Hope’s Holistic Approach

In response to these challenges, Acres of Hope employs a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional therapy. By combining equine therapy with mentorship, other therapeutic activities, and community support, the ranch offers a unique environment where youth can tackle their issues head-on. Justin added, however, “We don’t have to talk about life’s crap all the time. Let’s just have fun today,”. This approach emphasizes the importance of providing a space for joy, relaxation, and simple pleasures — a stark contrast to the pressure-filled lives many of the youth lead.

Stories of Impact

As we talked, it was hard not to hear stories of success and huge impact that Acres of Hope is having on the youth in our community.

One profound such story involves a youth experiencing a panic attack, and a horse providing unexpected comfort. As Emmy held the child, the horse just went up to her and put her head literally in the child’s lap, and as she’s shaking in the chair the horse lifted her head up and just gently rests her muzzle right on top of the girl’s head. Emmy was astounded, “I’m like, wow, what just happened here from a horse that I never thought would actually be a session horse. And it was really cool with this girl, because we have lots of conversations about like, how do you hear from God? And how does God speak and you know, people talk as if they hear an audible voice.” She added, “I’ve never seen anything like that, like, God can meet you, on your level where you’re at, with a horse…Watching God utilize a horse that he created, [help this youth] without words is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever witnessed.”

Another huge impact involves youths who share that they had reached a point of despair, having acquired the supplies to end their life. By following the QPR protocols and by the grace of God, lives have been saved. The staff’s ability to connect, offer hope, and guide them toward resources for further support exemplifies the profound impact of the ranch’s mission.

These stories highlight the critical mission that Acres of Hope plays in the support of the young people in our community.

Obstacles & Challenges

Operating Acres of Hope Youth Ranch has been a journey filled with both rewarding moments and significant challenges. As with any endeavor that seeks to make a profound impact, Emmy and Justin have navigated various obstacles along the way. One of the primary challenges they face revolves around the operational aspects of running a nonprofit organization dedicated to such a heartfelt cause.

Justin highlights the complexity of balancing the mission-driven work with the practicalities of nonprofit management, saying, “Running a nonprofit is a business. And the whole aspect of a nonprofit is crazy and difficult. And all the things like the nonprofit world is, is hard.” This candid reflection sheds light on the realities of ensuring Acres of Hope not only achieves its mission but remains sustainable and effective in its operations.

Financial sustainability is another challenge, especially when the services are offered at no cost to the families. “Our entire organization is offered at no cost to all the families we serve. So we’re 100% community and grant funded,” Justin explains, illustrating the reliance on community support, donations, and grants to keep the ranch operational. This dependency underscores the continuous effort required to secure the necessary funding, an aspect of the work that is as challenging as it is crucial. Acres of Hope currently serves around 80 youth per year.

Speaking of fundraising efforts, The Annual Barn Party at Acres of Hope Youth Ranch is a significant event that greatly supports their mission, with last year’s fundraiser covering 41% of their yearly budget. This gathering not only showcases the community’s generosity but also shares impactful stories from the youth. Scheduled for June 1, 2024 at 6pm, it offers a chance to hear firsthand the positive changes occurring in the lives of participants and explore ways to contribute to this transformative work

Through these challenges, Emmy and Justin’s resilience and dedication shine through. They are committed to overcoming operational and financial hurdles to ensure Acres of Hope Youth Ranch continues to be a place where youth can find healing, mentorship, and hope.

Collaboration With Other Non-Profits

Acres of Hope Youth Ranch collaborates closely with local nonprofits to enhance its mission of serving youth in need. They partner with organizations like Liberty House, CASA of Marion County, Family Building Blocks, the Rec (Valor Mentoring), The Gate, Village For One, Angels in the Outfield, Salem Angels, Mission Increase, and many more. These collaborations range from referrals to shared resources, aiming to provide comprehensive support and services tailored to the specific needs of each young person they encounter. This network of community support amplifies their impact, ensuring that the youth have access to a broad spectrum of care and opportunities for growth and healing.

Getting Involved As A Volunteer

Acres of Hope Youth Ranch is supported by a dedicated team of over 150 volunteers, with around 50 being regular contributors. These volunteers engage in a variety of roles, from direct mentorship and session leadership to property maintenance and event support. The process for becoming a volunteer involves completing an application form available on their website, after which the volunteer coordinator will reach out to discuss expectations, availability, and the best fit for each volunteer’s skills and interests. To learn more, visit their volunteer page.

Looking To The Future

Looking ahead, Acres of Hope Youth Ranch envisions growth and deeper community impact, guided by faith and God’s direction. They have big dreams which involve expanding services and possibly the facility, but want to be always mindful to align with God’s timing and purpose, rather than solely their own ambitions. This approach ensures that the ranch remains a place where healing and hope are readily accessible to more youth in need.

Regardless of future direction, Justin wanted to be clear, “Personally, if Acres of Hope doesn’t grow at all, from here on, and even if it disappears tomorrow, Acres of Hope would be a huge, huge, huge success because of the impact that we’ve had on kids already.”

As we wrapped up our discussion, Emmy passionately emphasizes the importance of redefining how we perceive and discuss youth in our community. She strongly advocates for a shift in narrative.

“I want the community to know that I feel passionate about changing the way we talk about kids and teenagers in particular that we try to point out is that they’re not troubled. They’re not broken. A lot of people will be like, ‘Oh, they work with troubled youth’. But they’re really not troubled. They’re just hurting. So that’s something I really want the community to start thinking about how we talk about the kids.”

This subtle but powerful change acknowledges their struggles without diminishing their inherent value. This perspective is crucial not only in fostering a more empathetic and supportive community but also in empowering the youth themselves to see beyond their current challenges towards a future filled with hope and potential.

Emmy and Justin are humble leaders. She added another important thing that they want everyone to know about them and their efforts at Acres of Hope Youth Ranch. “We could accomplish nothing without Christ. I got to tell one of my kids, actually, a couple weeks ago, who thinks pretty highly of Acres of Hope and has been here from the beginning,” stated Emmy. “And I got to tell her, like, that’s not me, my resume, like, I don’t know how to run a business. So guess who gets all the glory? God does.”

Emmy and Justin Arana invite you to join them in their mission at Acres of Hope Youth Ranch, whether by volunteering, donating, attending their Barn Party, or simply sharing their story. Each action you take can be a voice for the hurting youth in our community, offering them hope and support. Your involvement can make a real difference in the lives of hurting youth in our community. For more details on how to get involved, please visit their website.


Tim Fahndrich is the co-publisher of WhirLocal Salem. He is passionate about sharing positive stories about our local businesses and non-profits so our entire community can thrive.