WhirLocal Albany

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Albany, Oregon 97321

We recently had a chance to learn more about Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln, a nonprofit organization doing great work to support foster children and the families who care for them. Through programs that provide tangible essentials, like beds and clothing, as well as emotional and volunteer support, Every Child fills critical gaps in the foster care system, ensuring that children in Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties have the resources they need during times of transition.

Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln in Albany

In 2019, Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln began its journey as part of the larger Every Child Oregon network, which started 11 years ago in Portland. What began as a small grassroots initiative has grown into an essential organization, providing critical support to foster children and the families who care for them across the counties of Linn, Benton, and Lincoln.

The work they do has a deep impact, offering immediate assistance where it’s needed most. Whether it’s providing beds, clothing, or emotional support, the team at Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln works tirelessly to ensure no child or foster family is left without the resources they need during a challenging transition.

A view inside the Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln warehouse in Albany

The roots of Every Child Oregon are humble but powerful. As Executive Director Jen O’Connell-Barker shared, the organization began with something as simple as a grill and a few welcome boxes. Julianna Goble, the founder of Every Child Oregon, wanted to support caseworkers in the Portland area. With some friends, a grill, and hot dogs, she started hosting barbecues for caseworkers, recognizing the overwhelming workload they faced with the many children entering foster care in the region.

That first barbecue led to a larger conversation: how could they help ease the traumatic experience for children entering foster care? That’s when the welcome boxes were born—small, shoe-sized boxes filled with essential items like night lights, hygiene products, and small comforts to give children a sense of autonomy and belonging when they arrived in a new foster home. These boxes represent more than just physical items—they are a symbol of care and attention during one of the most difficult times in a child’s life.

As Jen puts it, “What can make this better when kids are coming into foster care, because, of course, that’s a really traumatic time?” Today, those simple welcome boxes have grown into an organization that not only helps children but also supports foster families and caseworkers across multiple counties.

One of the core programs of Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln is meeting the immediate, tangible needs of children entering the foster care system. Often, when children are placed in foster care, they arrive with nothing but the clothes on their backs. It’s a situation that many families aren’t prepared for, and that’s where Every Child steps in to fill the gap.

Beds, car seats, clothing, diapers—these are just a few of the essential items the organization provides to foster families. The state’s child welfare system can take time to provide these necessities due to bureaucratic processes, but Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln offers a quicker solution. They can get items to families in need within 24 hours.

Jen recalls the frequent requests they receive: “If a family says yes to a child and they don’t have a bed, a kid needs a bed to sleep on, and so they know they can come to Every Child and we can get them a bed pretty immediately.” This program has made an enormous difference for families willing to take in children on short notice but who lack the resources to accommodate them right away.

Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln
Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln at the Anne 2024 Nonprofit Expo
L to R: Kimberly Montgomery, Mindy Delery, Jen O’Connell-Barker

While the tangible needs program meets physical necessities, the organization also focuses on providing emotional support for foster families through volunteer-driven initiatives. Mindy Delery, the volunteer coordinator, highlighted a particularly impactful program—the Hope Teams. These teams consist of six to eight people who “wrap around” foster families, offering monthly meals, acts of kindness, and, perhaps most meaningfully, words of encouragement.

Mindy shared how something as simple as a note of appreciation can lift the spirits of a foster parent. “When we ask the question, ‘What makes you feel most appreciated or valued?’ the answer has been: notes of encouragement. Just like words of ‘we see you, we know what you’re doing, we’re here for you.’” These small but powerful gestures remind foster parents that they are not alone, and that their community supports them.

The Hope Teams exemplify one of the organization’s core beliefs: while not everyone can be a foster parent, everyone can contribute to the foster care community in some way.

In addition to volunteer efforts, fundraising is crucial for Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln to sustain its programs. Kimberly Montgomery, the Development Director, is responsible for community outreach and organizing events that bring in much-needed funds to keep the organization running.

One of their largest events is the annual carnival, which brings together families and volunteers for a day of fun while raising awareness and collecting donations. They also host a fundraising luncheon, coming up on November 7 in Corvallis, to share more about the organization’s mission with new and existing supporters. Another major event on the calendar is the annual gala, featuring a live auction to raise critical funds for the year.

Kimberly explained how important monthly donors are to sustaining their operations. “Running a nonprofit on grants is not feasible. It’s not sustaining. And so we ask the community to do pledges.” Their goal for 2024 is to secure 50 new monthly donors, pledging $36 a month. As Kimberly pointed out, $36 a month is a small sacrifice for many—roughly the cost of skipping one meal out.

The work of Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln goes beyond logistics—it changes lives. Kimberly shared her own experience as a foster parent when she received a call about taking in a sibling set of three. At the time, her home was already full, and she didn’t have the beds required to take in the children. Without hesitation, she reached out to Every Child and was able to get bunk beds and mattresses within 24 hours, allowing her to keep the siblings together.

“If I didn’t take the sibling set of three, there’s a 95% chance they would have been split because homes were full,” Kimberly shared. Thanks to the quick response from Every Child, those siblings were able to stay together, a situation that might not have been possible otherwise.

How to Support Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln

Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln is a vital resource for foster children and families, but their work relies on the generosity and involvement of the community. There are many ways to get involved—whether it’s by joining a Hope Team, attending an event, or making a financial pledge.

One easy way to contribute this month is through their partnership with Dutch Bros. Coffee for “Buck for Kids Day” on September 20. For every coffee purchased at participating Dutch Bros. locations in Albany, Corvallis, Newport, and Lincoln City, $1 will be donated to Every Child Linn Benton Lincoln.

As Jen shared, 80% of every dollar donated goes directly toward the organization’s mission of supporting foster children and their families. Whether it’s a one-time donation, a monthly pledge, or volunteering your time, there are countless ways to make a difference in the lives of foster kids in your community.


Tim Fahndrich

About the Author

Tim Fahndrich is the Co-founder & CEO of WhirLocal Media Group, and co-publisher of WhirLocal Salem and WhirLocal Albany. He is passionate about supporting local businesses and non-profits as the backbone of our economy and local communities.

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