WhirLocal Albany

(2 reviews)

Albany, Oregon 97321

Akida Ramsey, owner of Akida Clips in Albany, Oregon, has a story that’s both inspiring and full of heart. From a childhood marked by frequent moves and adversity to becoming a business owner, Akida has faced life’s challenges head-on. Today, his barbershop isn’t just a place for haircuts—it’s a space for connection, community, and faith, reflecting Akida’s journey from tough beginnings to meaningful success.

Akida Ramsey - Akida Clips

Overcoming Early Challenges: From Foster Care to Sweet Home, Oregon

Born in New York, Akida spent his earliest years in foster care while his biological mother underwent medical treatment. At just five years old, Akida moved to Phoenix, Arizona, to live with his single mom and two sisters. His mom worked tough jobs, including roofing, to support the family, and Akida learned responsibility early on. “I learned how to ride a city bus when I was in first grade,” he said, describing how he had to adapt to responsibilities at a young age.

Growing up, Akida faced instability, frequently moving between cities and schools. Eventually, his mother decided to relocate the family to Sweet Home. It was a major shift, both culturally and geographically, but it laid the groundwork for a pivotal moment in Akida’s life: his first introduction to barbering. After a rough haircut experience in Sweet Home, Akida decided to take matters into his own hands. “We went and got a cheap pair of clippers and I started practicing on my own,” he recalled. This small act of self-reliance would eventually grow into a career he hadn’t initially planned for.

Akida’s journey wasn’t without struggles. As a teenager, he received a mental health diagnosis that was actually incorrect, leading to years of uncertainty before finding the right path to manage his mental well-being. He has seen many ups and downs as he tried to navigate his mental health and other personal challenges, but he credits his faith and the support he found through community connections for helping him endure those difficult years.

Bodybuilding: The Discipline That Changed Everything

Akida’s life took a significant turn when he found himself drawn into the world of bodybuilding. It started with a friend’s encouragement to compete in a show, a challenge Akida accepted without fully understanding what he was getting into. Yet, he excelled. “I didn’t know exactly what to do or what to say…I entered three different categories, won all three of those categories, had no idea what I was doing,” he said, reflecting on his early success.

His success in bodybuilding wasn’t just about the trophies—it was about discipline. Bodybuilding taught Akida the importance of routine, focus, and commitment. These lessons became essential as he transitioned from competitive bodybuilding to entrepreneurship.

A Leap of Faith Into Opening His Own Business

In July of 2024, Akida made a major leap of faith by opening his own barbershop, Akida Clips, after cutting hair as a hobby for nearly 30 years. He had previously worked in a local shop, but he felt it was time to create a space that fully aligned with his values. The decision to open his own business felt divinely guided. “It felt like another, obviously, divine intervention, because even the move from working at someone else’s shop and opening my own shop was so smooth, no stress,” Akida said.

Akida is open about his faith, but he’s careful not to be preachy. Subtle cues, like his logo—a blend of a barber pole and a cross—offer hints of his beliefs without making them the main focus. “I don’t preach at people. I don’t quote scriptures, but if I’m led, I definitely let them know that, hey, I have a lot of blessings through the grace of God,” Akida explained.

Creating a Place for Connection and Support

Akida’s shop quickly became a community hub, attracting a diverse clientele. From youngsters getting their first haircuts to seniors who’ve lived through decades of local history, his chairs are open to all. His emphasis is on delivering consistency—both in service and experience. “What I hear a lot from other people who have sat in my chair is the inconsistence of their barbers, whether it be availability or just the consistence of the haircut. I can say that I’m pretty consistent with availability and haircuts,” he said.

But Akida’s mission goes beyond haircuts. Shortly after opening Akida Clips, he launched a men’s group that meets in the shop. The group is a place for honest conversations about faith, struggles, and personal growth—something Akida says is rare in traditional barbershop culture. He’s also actively reaching out recovery groups, offering his services to those who might have a need.

A New Chapter: Building on Success and Expanding the Vision

In just a few short months, Akida Clips has seen remarkable success. The community has responded with enthusiasm, and Akida’s reputation has quickly grown. The shop’s five-star ratings have made it one of the most highly reviewed in the area, and local recognition is already rolling in. “I feel so blessed by the feedback,” Akida said, sharing how surprised he was at how smooth the process of starting a business turned out to be.

With plans for expansion already in the works, Akida is excited about the future. His vision for the shop includes renovations to create more space, making it an even better environment for his clients. Yet, his goals remain rooted in the same values that brought him here: faith, hard work, discipline, and a desire to help others grow.

Getting to Know Akida: Quickfire Favorites

Akida’s journey isn’t all business—it’s also about joy, connection, and living life fully. Here are a few of his favorites:

  • Favorite Book: “Damaged but Not Destroyed: From Trauma to Triumph” by Michael Todd—a book that speaks to Akida’s own experiences with overcoming adversity.
  • Favorite Movie: “Antwone Fisher”—a story of resilience and healing that mirrors parts of his own life.
  • Favorite Local Nonprofit: Furniture Share, an organization he’s proud to support.
  • Favorite Food: “All of the protein is my favorite food,” he said with a laugh as he took another bite of his protein bar.

Akida Ramsey’s story is one of transformation, discipline, and deep faith. His business, Akida Clips, is not just a place to get a haircut—it’s a space where people are seen, heard, and valued. Through his unique blend of faith, fitness, and barbering, Akida is making a difference in his community one person at a time, always guided by the lessons he’s learned on his journey.

Tim Fahndrich

About the Author

Tim Fahndrich is the Co-founder & CEO of WhirLocal Media Group, and co-publisher of WhirLocal Salem and WhirLocal Albany. He is passionate about supporting local businesses and non-profits as the backbone of our economy and local communities.

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