
Manage your business contacts with our CRM

Manage your business contacts and ask them for a review with our simple CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software.

Add a New Contact

Contacts can be added as a single contact, or in a file. Click on ‘Add New Contact.

Bulk Upload Contacts

You can bulk add contacts by uploading a .CSV file. It will need to contain the field ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’ and ‘Email’, but you can also include optional fields. The file must not contain multiple sheets, or superfluous designs, or formulas.

Once you’ve uploaded the file, the system will attempt to match the correct fields. Drag any fields found into their correct location.

If you would like to ask these contacts to leave a review, toggle on the ‘Add Contacts to “Review Invites” Campaign’ this will automatically add any uploaded contacts to the campaign. You will need to turn the toggle on BEFORE you ‘Process Contacts’. An additional pop up will confirm that you want this to happen.

Because there is an email send limit of 100 emails a day, if you upload more than 100 contacts, the system will automatically “pace” the emails to send 100 a day.

Add Individual Contacts

To add an individual contact, provide the minimum necessary information.

Toggle on ‘Show More Fields’ to fill in additional information.

If you would like to ask this contact to leave a review, toggle on the ‘Add Contacts to “Review Invites” Campaign’ this will automatically add any uploaded contacts to the campaign. You will need to turn the toggle on BEFORE you select ‘Add Contact’.

Updating Contacts

To edit a contact, select the, from the list, or you can type their name in the search bar.

You can edit all their basic information. When making edits, make sure to ‘Update’!

You can also view any active email campaigns they are already a part of, or you can add them to any campaigns you have saved by dragging and dropping.

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