Do Not Use This Bank for a Loan!

The most frustrating process I have ever been though for an auto loan. They have charged me for not having insurance on my car. while I had insurance on my car. I called them and provided proof of coverage during that time, and they said that there was nothing they could do to reverse the charges. Next: The online platform is an uncharitable labyrinth. I set up auto pay with my bank and it does not give you the option to make a direct payment. I had monthly payments going into the "savings" account but not into my loan. I have to wait for my auto payment to go through and then go online and transfer from my savings to my loan... Next, I tried to fix this, and they started charging my other bank account. Fix right? Nope not at OCCU, they pulled from both of my accounts this month. So now I am paying double monthly car payments because their website was built during the DOT com boom and hasn't been updated since 1992. I will be refinancing with literally any other institution asap. Worst mistake I could have possibly made when choosing a financial institution. I think a loan shark would have been a more painless process. DO NOT USE THIS BANK FOR A LOAN!

Written by bean s. on February 26th, 2022

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Do Not Use This Bank for a Loan!

The most frustrating process I have ever been though for an auto loan. They have charged me for not having insurance on my car. while I had insurance on my car. I called them and provided proof of co…
~ bean s.