Wfmc Health's Blog

WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

When Will I Feel My Baby Move When Pregnant?

Pregnancy is an incredible journey filled with moments of anticipation and excitement. One of the most thrilling experiences is feeling your baby move for the first time. But when can you expect to f…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Introducing Your Baby to New Textures

As your baby grows and develops, introducing them to new textures becomes essential to their sensory exploration and processing. By keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure that your baby is safe a…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Tips to Make Standing All Day More Comfortable

Standing all day can be exhausting and painful. Whether you work in retail, healthcare, or any other profession that requires long periods of standing, it’s essential to take care of your body to a…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Tips to Help Children Learn and Remember Their Address and Phone Number

You want to ensure your child is always safe and secure as a parent. One of the most basic yet crucial pieces of information for your child to know is their home address and phone number. This inform…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

What to Expect During a Newborn's First Week

Your newborn has an entirely different set of rules when it comes to daily behavior. Although he or she is a miniaturized human, their habits won’t be familiar to new parents. Learn what to expect …
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

PTS vs. PTSD: What's the Difference?

Stress is a normal part of daily living. You may experience stress at work, at home, or in certain social situations. But there are some situations that trigger a greater amount of stress. Military c…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Benefits of Starting Swimming Lessons at an Early Age

Swimming is a valuable life skill that can offer your child a range of physical, mental, and social benefits. Read on and get a comprehensive understanding of why early swimming lessons are a wise in…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

What is a Molar Pregnancy?

A pregnancy complication can happen to any woman. One potential complication to know about is a molar pregnancy. A molar pregnancy occurs when there is an unusual growth of cells called trophoblasts.…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Ways to Encourage Playful Behavior in Teens

While organized events and outings are crucial for teens, they also need time and space to pursue their interests and other passions. Teenagers benefit in various ways when given the opportunity to h…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is often a mysterious medical condition that is difficult to diagnose but results in widespread pain being felt throughout the body. Regardless of your age, sex or lifestyle, fibromyalgi…