Healthy Habits for the New Year
There are plenty of healthy habits you can do individually or with your whole family during this holiday season. In addition to proper diet and exercise, face coverings and social distancing are also important during the holiday season and new year. Here are three ideas you can add to your holiday festivities.
1. Make Being Active Fun
Before you jump right into being active, make sure to communicate with your telehealth provider to receive information on what levels of activity you should partake in. Families have to be more creative this holiday season by socially distancing, whether it is taking a walk after eating, playing games, or throwing on their favorite music to dance to. Moving around can help change up the gathering just a little this year.
2. Eat Your Favorites in Smaller Meals
The holidays seem to be a “cheat week” or even “cheat months.” One easy way to make sure you eat well but stay healthy is by eating smaller portions. It is okay to indulge in comfort foods and your favorite family member’s specialty items as long as you do not overdo it.
3. Safely Interact With Family and Friends
This year has been a year of uncertainty and missing out on events. Video chatting, streaming services and video game consoles are great for household family fun. Now is the perfect time to get the entire family involved with creating or adding on to family traditions. You can join in with other family members and friends virtually to keep everyone safe. It’s tough to be apart, but remind children it’s okay to be sad and that we won’t be separated forever.
Being healthy for the new year doesn’t have to be boring, and it can be done while keeping your family safe. Learn more health tips by calling us for a convenient telehealth visit.
Do you have more questions about keeping your family healthy in the Willamette Valley? Contact our friendly staff at WFMC Health or become a new patient today!
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