Infertility can be one of the most frustrating, heartbreaking issues for couples looking to start a family. Different factors can lead to this problem in either partner. Though infertility affects around 1 in 5 women in the United States, the reasons why can vary and sometimes be difficult to pinpoint. However, there are treatments and alternative options available.

What Is Female Infertility?

Female infertility occurs when a specified or unspecified problem prevents a woman from conceiving. A woman may be experiencing infertility issues if she is younger than 35 and has been unsuccessful in trying to get pregnant after one year of trying. For women older than 35, it is recommended to consult a doctor after six months of trying.

Infertility Women WFMC Health

Risk Factors for Female Infertility

Age is one of the biggest risk factors for female infertility. Around the age of 35, the chances of becoming pregnant quickly declines. Past age 40, the likelihood of infertility issues further increases, making it difficult to conceive. The quality and quantity of a woman’s eggs diminish, leading to infertility.

Other risk factors for infertility in women are being over or underweight, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and stress.

Causes of Female Infertility

Among the biggest causes of infertility in women are disorders or medical conditions that negatively impact ovulation or implantation. A few common causes include the following:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder caused by a hormone imbalance that can cause irregular periods and ovulation, making it difficult to get pregnant.
  • Blockages within the fallopian tubes is also a leading factor of infertility. In these cases, sperm cannot get to the egg.
  • Problems with the uterus, such as uterine fibroids or scarring, can result in infertility or higher risk of miscarriage.

It’s possible to have unexplained infertility problems when testing shows that everything is working as it should. However, there are many treatment options and alternative methods available for those hoping to conceive and expand their family. If you’re experiencing infertility or anticipating infertility problems, make an appointment with a trusted medical provider.

This blog post is meant for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. It was first published on