Wfmc Health's Blog

WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Common Hand and Wrist Problems to Resolve With Proper Medical Treatment

Problems of the hand, wrist, and arm affect many adults and are often due to repetitive work tasks, athletic activities, or simple actions in their daily lives. Pain and nerve impairment of the arm, …
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Tweens and Menstruation: Conversations Without the Awkwardness

A gentle and honest approach can help you navigate conversations about menstruation with your tween daughter. 

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WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Tips to Encourage Helmet Wearing in Children

Wearing a helmet is important. In fact, wearing a helmet is so essential for your safety that wearing one reduces your risk of injury by more than 50%. This is especially true for children, who tend …
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Gummy Vitamins vs. Regular Vitamins: Which Is Better?

Vitamins for adults typically come in pill form, but gummy vitamins have become increasingly popular in recent years because they taste good and a…

WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

What to Know About Irregular Periods and Pregnancy

Irregular periods can potentially affect your ability to get pregnant, but don’t fret. Many women go through this and still go on to have healthy pregnancies. By understanding irregular periods and…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

When Should Cramps During Pregnancy Be Worrisome?

Cramps during pregnancy, especially early on, can be scary. However, they are normal throughout all three trimesters and happen for a specific reason.…

WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

What are Allergy Shots and How Do They Work?

Allergy shots, also known as immunotherapy, are a treatment for allergies. It involves giving patients small doses of the allergens that cause their allergic reactions. This helps to build up immunit…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Sarcoma Awareness Month: An Overview of Sarcoma

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month. Read on to learn about this type of cancer.

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WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

What You Need to Know About High-Risk Pregnancy

A pregnancy is considered high-risk when there are potential health risks for the mother, unborn baby, or both. A person with a high-risk pregnancy requires close monitoring by a specialist to preven…
WFMC Health
(503) 585-6388
3.4/5 based on 172 Reviews

Safe Piercings and Your Body

Thinking about getting your body pierced? Check out where the safest piercings for your body are. 

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