Medicare physical therapy
A Medicare part-B Patient consulting a physical therapist

Yes, Medicare Part B can cover physical therapy services provided in an outpatient setting, such as a physical therapy clinic or your home provided by a mobile physical therapist. Medicare Part B generally covers 80% of the cost of medically necessary outpatient physical therapy services, and the patient is responsible for the remaining 20% as a coinsurance.

To qualify for Medicare Part B coverage of physical therapy, the service must be deemed medically necessary to treat a specific medical condition or injury. The physical therapy must also be provided by a licensed physical therapist who accepts Medicare, and the provider must follow Medicare’s coverage guidelines.

Medicare Part B may cover a variety of physical therapy services, including electro therapy, hold/cold modalities for pain management, therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, neuromuscular reeducation, gait training, and more. If you have questions about Medicare Part B coverage for physical therapy services, you can contact Medicare or call us we will try to answer your question or get answers for you.


 After being discharged from all home health services, you can receive mobile physical therapy at your home, assisted living, independent living, or a group home. 

Call or text HWY PT CLINIC: 971-202-1979
