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Do you tend to hit the snooze button in the morning for “just five more minutes” of sleep? If so, you’re likely doing more harm than good to your sleep cycle. While it can be tempting to want to get a few more zzz’s, let’s go over why it’s typically better to get up right away, along with a few tips to stop pressing snooze.

Why Shouldn’t We Snooze?

Despite the idea that pressing snooze will give you a few more refreshing minutes of sleep before starting your day, snoozing in the morning can actually throw off your natural sleep cycle, confuse your body, and make waking up more difficult. The amount of time your snooze button gives you is typically not enough time for your body to go through a whole sleep cycle, which means there’s a higher chance of experiencing sleep inertia (a groggy feeling immediately after waking up) once you get out of bed. Alternatively, getting out of bed right away can help train your brain to wake you up without the need to hit snooze.

Stop Snoozing Alarm WhirLocal

Tips to Stop Hitting Snooze

If you are one of the many adults who habitually snooze their alarms in the morning, here are a few things you can try in order to shake the habit.

1. Follow a Sleep Routine

Creating a consistent sleep routine can help your body understand when it’s time to go to bed and wake up. Go to bed at the same time every night, take 20 minutes before sleep for “winding down” activities, and wake up at the same time each morning.

2. Put Your Alarm Across the Room

If you struggle with snoozing your alarm out of habit, try placing your alarm across the room (or at least out of arm’s reach). Placing your alarm across the room forces you to get out of bed in order to turn it off, which can help your brain wake up and make snoozing less appealing.

3. Schedule a Morning Activity

Another tip that may be helpful is to schedule a morning activity just after you wake up. Try setting aside time each morning to do an activity or task⁠—such as gentle stretches, going on a walk, or doing the dishes⁠⁠—which will help wake up your body and get you ready to start the day.

4. Incorporate Other Senses

In addition to sound, sight and smell are two powerful senses when it comes to waking up (and staying up) in the morning. Try setting your coffee maker to automatically start brewing just before your alarm, or invest in a sunrise simulator alarm clock.

Are you a chronic alarm snoozer? We hope these tips can help you get healthier sleep and wake up more rested (without hitting snooze). If you are struggling with your sleep, we recommend contacting a local health professional to get personalized advice.

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