Hite Digital Norman

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513 SW 156th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
(405) 701-9245

Congratulations on buying a new home! When it comes to this exciting chapter, there are a few critical steps to take to make sure your home is safe, secure, and ready for your family. Before you get to decorating, here are six essential tasks to check off your to-do list as soon as you move in.

1. Change the Locks

Assuming the locks have not already been changed, this is one of the first tasks you should take care of when moving into a new home. Replace all exterior door locks, change garage codes, and more to eliminate the risk of previous owners or others having access. If you’d prefer, you could consider upgrading to something like smart locks for more security features or convenience.

2. Clean

Before you start unboxing your belongings or setting up furniture, giving your home a thorough deep clean (or having it cleaned by a professional) can make a big difference. Focus on deep cleaning carpets, windows, and even ceilings. Cleaning before moving in can help you enter your new home with a blank, clean slate.

3. Set Up Utilities

An important task that can get overlooked is setting up utilities (like electricity, water, and garbage) or getting them transferred into your name. You’ll also likely need to contact your internet service provider and update your address with them as well.

4. Learn to Manage Water and Power

Knowing how to quickly shut off your home’s water, power, or natural gas is essential in case of an emergency. Locate the shutoff valves for water and gas (if your home uses natural gas), as well as the electricity panel, and familiarize yourself with how they work. Check the labels for the circuit breaker and add or update the labels as needed.

5. Check Your Inspection Report

Address any issues outlined in your home inspection report, particularly those that pose potential safety risks or could lead to more significant damage. Replace old smoke detectors, check the roof and foundation, and consider replacing outdated appliances.

6. Understand and Use Your Home Warranty

If you bought a home warranty, review it again to understand what is covered. This optional purchase can often come in handy, helping you manage the costs of covered repairs.

Adding these tasks to your to-do list can be crucial and dramatically improve your experience when moving into a new home. With these steps accomplished, you can take a deep breath and enjoy your new home with the assurance that it’s safe, secure, and well-maintained.

This blog post is meant for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice.

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