Congratulations to our friend Kara Alicia with KC Creative for her 3rd year business anniversary. Building a business is hard and many don’t stick with it.
Thanks for having us at your celebration Kara. It was a beautiful evening.
Kara is doing a lot of things right in her business.
1. She has picked a narrow service offering focused on recurring revenue
2. She has joined masterminds and learned from others
3. She’s very good at promoting her services
I remember our first 3 years in business. It was absolutely brutal.
1. I had no plan or idea what I was doing or what service I would provide
2. I had no clarity around who my target customers were
3. I wasn’t part of any mastermind or peer group
4. I wasn’t involving Pam in creating a vision (oops, BIG mistake!)
The results were painful.
It wasn’t until I connected with a group of people offering marketing services to local businesses that we found a path forward.
Business still has many ups and downs, even after approaching 16 years, but I’m grateful for the opportunity that we have to build a business and to make a difference in our community.