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2424 S 130th Cir, Suite 100
Omaha, Nebraska 68144
(402) 214-5053

Come on in. Grab a seat and make yourself at home.

First time visiting Uppercuts Barber Shop in Papillion? Not a problem. You’ll soon be a regular too.

Terril Brown, owner of Uppercuts Barber Shop, stands smiling in the foreground with leafy trees behind him.

Terril Brown, Uppercuts’ owner, was only ten years old when he discovered his natural talent for haircutting. Throughout his school years, he practiced on himself and friends. At the urging of his barber cousin, he went on to complete 1800 hours of study and practice to receive professional credentials. By the time he was finished, he knew how to do perms, braids, color, and relaxers and honed his hair-cutting skills. He also had a sketch of a business logo he’d designed for the barber shop he wanted to open one day that he carried that sketch in a folder everywhere he went. 

Armed with skills, a license, and a vision for his future, Terril worked for twelve years in various barber shops around the Omaha area. The persistent planning, networking with business owners and clients, and the personal development he worked so hard to achieve were about to pay off. 

While some may have questioned Terril’s decision to open his business in September of 2020, he was confident this was the time and Papillion was the place to, at last, bring his vision to life. 

The Uppercuts Experience

At first glance around the barber shop, the unexpected diversity may be disconcerting. Terril’s current staff includes, as Terril puts it, “an old man, a Mexican woman, a white guy, a Black girl, and a Black guy.” This was no accident as Uppercuts seeks to be a place of comfort, acceptance, and welcome for everyone. 

Imagine the possibilities for understanding and camaraderie that can develop as conversations, stories, and jokes naturally flow in an environment such as this. Terril did, and he’s making it happen every day. “We’re way more alike than different.”

Uppercuts isn’t just for guys, and it isn’t just for a quick stop for a trim and a shave. They are a full-service facility that offers color, facials, waxing, and more. Whatever the community needs, they seek to provide.

What Makes Barbershops Unique

Even with the barbershop holding a time-honored place as a hub of community, they have become few and far between in most parts of Omaha, with family businesses being replaced by hair-cutting franchises. In generations past, the barbershop wasn’t just about the haircut; it was a community experience. This was a safe place to discuss current events, and politics, catch up with friends, and just be oneself. 

In today’s fast-paced and relationally disconnected world, people are craving authentic community as the one thing modern convenience cannot provide, and barber shops are reclaiming their rightful place in community life.

So Much More Than Hair

Terril is just as intentional and visionary in his work with the next generation as he was in establishing Uppercuts. Not only does he teach at a barber training school, but he has also found that offering his own courses to barbers and cosmetologists helps them enhance their skills and provides an incredible avenue for mentorship and life coaching.

 “We’re all trying to find our purpose. I discovered my purpose is to get into people’s lives and walk them through. I help them develop character and help them with life skills that don’t have anything to do with barbering. I just take the people that are walking the path, and I let them walk with me and try to give them direction…try to be somebody that’s a positive influence in their lives.”

Terril draws tremendous energy and stamina for each day from the motivated students he teaches on their way into the profession. He helps students evaluate opportunities and find those that are “win-win” situations, where they will be happy and fulfilled in their careers and their employers will benefit from their skills. 

Not only is Terril developing future barbers and cosmetologists, but he is providing his staff and students with opportunities to give back to the community as well. They regularly offer their services to inmates at the local prison and partner with area schools to provide haircuts for low-income families. 

A Man of Principles

There’s no denying that Terril barbers, teaches, mentors, and lives by a deeply held sense of vision and purpose. Of his own life, he says, 

“No matter what avenue I’m thrown in now, it’s like God has put me on this path, and all I have to do is walk it and be myself. No matter what I’m doing, no matter what ideals I come up with, the person I am is going to shine through whatever happens.” 

And that’s Terril Brown…just being Terril.

The Uppercuts logo featuring two barbering sheers framing the name "UpperCuts"

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