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Cabot, Arkansas 72007

Community Spotlight: B Haley LLC, Painting and Small Repair

Brynn Haley, owner of B Haley LLC, Painting and Small Repair, isn’t just a business owner. She’s a mom, a veteran, and a passionate craftswoman who has turned her love for home improvement into a thriving local business. B Haley LLC in Cabot, AR specializes in residential painting and remodeling, delivering high-quality services with a personal touch.

From Stay-at-Home Mom to Business Maven

Haley’s journey to becoming a business owner is both inspiring and relatable. As a stay-at-home mom to three children, she found herself searching for a way to stay busy and contribute financially while maintaining a flexible schedule. “When I was at home, I couldn’t not be busy and not work,” she said. “So I did some personal training for a little bit. I sold Pampered Chef for a little bit. And then I was ready to do something else, and I was really good at painting at my own house.”

Her interest in painting began with small remodeling projects in her own home. When a friend asked her to paint their house, Haley’s small business began. “I had a friend who asked me if I would paint their house for them because they were getting ready to put it on the market,” she recalled. “I was like, ‘OK. I can do that. Sure.’ They paid me, and she told her friends, and they told their friends. It just grew from there.”

Filling a Need in the Community

Haley’s personal experiences with unreliable contractors fueled her desire to create a business that stands out for its professionalism and customer care. “As a consumer myself, I had other contractors in my house, and nine times out of 10, their communication was horrendous. They don’t clean up after themselves, and the job never gets 100% completed,” she explained. “I saw a need for contractors in our area to provide those things.”

With this mission in mind, she established B Haley LLC in February 2021. Her commitment to transparent communication, punctuality, and meticulous attention to detail quickly set her apart in the community. “It’s extremely important to me to communicate with the customers what their expectations are, what my expectations are, what they can expect from us, and just full transparency with them on processes, pricing, and all the things,” she said.

Growing the Business

What started as a solo venture has grown into a team of six, with numbers fluctuating seasonally. B Haley LLC handles a variety of projects, but they are particularly known for their expertise in kitchen cabinet refinishing. “We spray everything, even the bases. We tape everything off, we make this big bubble inside the house to protect everything so paint doesn’t get everywhere, and then we use one of the top-of-the-line paints to refinish,” she noted proudly. The company uses top-of-the-line paints and techniques, ensuring each project stands the test of time.

In just the past year, the company completed between 80 to 90 projects, from small one-room jobs to extensive home remodels. The business often books projects three months in advance, a testament to its growing popularity and trusted reputation.

A Veteran-Owned Business with a Personal Touch

Haley’s background in the Marine Corps instilled in her a sense of discipline and attention to detail that she applies to her business. After her military service, she pursued a degree in biology, initially aiming to become a high school teacher. However, balancing work with family life led her to seek a more flexible and fulfilling career path.

“I was in the Marine Corps for four years,” she said. “That’s probably where I get a lot of my discipline and attention to detail and making sure I’m on time… I thought I was going to be a high school teacher, but I didn’t see myself thriving there. So I worked for the state for a little bit. And I was really good at that job, but driving back and forth to the capitol every day, and at the time we lived in Vilonia, it wasn’t suited for me… I just wanted to be home and take care of things at home.”

Community and Collaboration

The importance of local support and collaboration is at the core of Haley’s business philosophy. “Every part of my business, if I can source locally, I do,” she emphasized. B Haley LLC is a proud member of the Cabot Chamber of Commerce and participates in networking groups like Cabot Elite Networkers, which have been instrumental in the company’s growth.

Her dedication to excellence extends to her team. She ensures her employees are well-compensated, reflecting the high standards and quality of service they provide. This approach has fostered a supportive work environment and contributed significantly to the company’s success.

Looking Ahead

As B Haley LLC continues to grow, Haley’s goal is to further establish her company as a leading painting service in the area. “I want to be one of the best painting companies in our area,” she said. Her long-term vision includes expanding the team and focusing more on kitchen cabinets, an area where the company already excels.

Haley’s story is one of passion, dedication, and community spirit. She has not only built a successful business but also created a network of support and collaboration that enriches the local community. Her journey from a stay-at-home mom to a respected business owner is a testament to the power of perseverance and the impact of quality service.

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