WhirLocal Cabot

(1 review)

Cabot, Arkansas 72007

Community Spotlight: Top Notch Roofing

If you’re a homeowner in Cabot, you’ve likely had your share of worries about the roof over your head. Between the unpredictable Arkansas weather and the wear and tear that comes with time, it’s easy for a roof to become more of a headache than a haven. One local business that understands these concerns better than most is Top Notch Roofing, a company that has made it its mission to not only repair roofs but to ensure peace of mind for the community it serves.

When it comes to common roofing issues in Cabot, Aaron Stuckey, the owner of Top Notch Roofing, has seen it all. “Cabot’s done a pretty good job overall, but we’ve seen problems like multi-layer shingles being laid on top of each other instead of being torn off and replaced,” Stuckey explains. “That can lead to more trouble down the road if it’s not handled right the first time.” This kind of oversight can result in leaks, structural damage, and other costly repairs that could have been avoided with proper installation.

Stuckey emphasizes that one of the most critical aspects of a well-maintained roof is ensuring that the materials used are of the highest quality and installed correctly the first time. “We’ve seen too many cases where shortcuts were taken, whether it’s with the shingles or the underlayment, and the homeowners end up paying the price later,” he says. “That’s why at Top Notch Roofing, we make sure every job is done to the highest standards.”

This dedication to quality and precision is rooted in Stuckey’s background and personal journey. After a successful career in the oil and gas industry came to an unexpected halt, Stuckey found himself at a crossroads. With a young family to support and a desire to remain in his hometown, he turned to a skill he had learned right out of high school—roofing. “I had the tools lying around and thought, why not give it a shot?” he recalls. What began as a temporary solution quickly grew into a full-fledged business as Stuckey recognized the need for quality roofing services in the area.

But it’s not just the quality of work that sets Top Notch Roofing apart; it’s the personal touch that Stuckey brings to every job. Unlike many other companies, Stuckey doesn’t rely on salespeople or door-to-door tactics. “You get me, 100%,” he says. “If you have a problem, you’re not going through someone else who hasn’t dealt with you. You’re getting me on the other line.” This hands-on approach extends to every aspect of the business, from the initial consultation to the final nail being hammered in. Even Stuckey’s stepfather is involved, ensuring that the production side of things runs smoothly.

The journey from a small startup to a respected roofing company wasn’t without its challenges. In the early days, Stuckey took on a wide range of projects, from roofing to remodeling. “We did some remodeling jobs, but we found that roofing was where we could really make a difference,” he shares. “With remodeling, projects can drag on, and clients can get frustrated if things don’t go exactly as planned. But with roofing, we can say, ‘We’ll be in and out in a day,’ and it’s a lot easier to meet those expectations.”

Stuckey’s decision to focus exclusively on roofing wasn’t just about finding a niche; it was about honing his craft and providing a service that was in high demand. Over the years, he’s seen firsthand how important it is for homeowners to keep their roofs in top condition. “One of the biggest issues we see is a lack of regular maintenance,” he says. “Simple things like keeping your gutters clean and free of debris can make a huge difference in the lifespan of your roof.”

The commitment to quality is evident in the materials Stuckey uses as well. Top Notch Roofing offers a free upgrade to architectural-style shingles, which provide better wind warranty coverage. “We don’t offer the three-tab shingle anymore because it just doesn’t hold up as well,” he says. This attention to detail and focus on long-term solutions is what keeps customers coming back and referring others. Stuckey is particularly proud of the fact that his company doesn’t cut corners when it comes to safety and compliance. “We make sure all the code items are addressed while we’re there, whether it’s decking or anything else,” he adds. “And we also help our customers navigate their insurance policies to ensure that they’re getting the coverage they deserve without any unnecessary out-of-pocket expenses.”

While the business has seen steady growth over the years, Stuckey remains deeply involved in each project, balancing his professional responsibilities with a strong commitment to his family. “Used to, I kind of put everything work first,” he admits. “But as I’ve grown and got older, I’ve learned to prioritize. If my kid has something going on, we’re going to be there for that.”

Community involvement is also a cornerstone of Top Notch Roofing’s philosophy. Stuckey and his wife make it a point to give back, especially to programs that support local children. “We like to sponsor the backpack program for schools, whether it’s here or in Lonoke,” he says. “There are a lot of kids that don’t get meals, so we like to put our money where our heart is.” This commitment to the community is reflected in the company’s low-profile approach to sponsorship. “We might not be on every billboard for the football programs, but we’re putting our resources where they’re needed most,” Stuckey explains. “It’s not about being flashy; it’s about making a real difference.”

Looking ahead, Stuckey envisions expanding the business, but not at the expense of the personal touch that has made Top Notch Roofing a trusted name in Cabot. “We’ve talked about bringing on salesmen, but if we do that, we want to make sure we maintain the quality we have now,” he says. “We don’t want to be just another roofing company.”

For Stuckey, the most rewarding aspect of running Top Notch Roofing is the opportunity to meet new people and hear their stories. “Cabot gets people from all over the world, and it’s cool to see where they come from and hear how they look at this place,” he shares. It’s clear that for Stuckey, roofing is more than just a job—it’s a way to connect with the community and make a tangible difference in people’s lives.

Stuckey’s passion for building and creating is something that has been with him since childhood. “As a kid, I loved building and making things,” he says. “I guess it kind of stems from that. Even though I’m not the one getting to do it every day, watching something come to life out of nothing is pretty amazing.” This passion is what drives him to continuously seek new challenges and opportunities for growth. In the future, Stuckey hopes to expand into building houses again, a venture he’s dabbled in before. “Roofing’s fine, but you don’t get the same gratification as when you remodel or build something from scratch,” he explains. “We’d like to get back into that, maybe do some more building projects down the line.”

Stuckey’s journey with Top Notch Roofing is a testament to what can be achieved with hard work, dedication, and a commitment to quality. From humble beginnings to a thriving business, Stuckey has stayed true to his roots, always putting his customers and community first. “It’s not just about making money; it’s about making a difference,” he says. And with Top Notch Roofing, Stuckey is doing just that—one roof at a time.

Courtney Edwards

About the Author

Courtney Edwards is the journalist for WhirLocal Cabot, bringing a passion for storytelling and local business coverage. A graduate of Arkansas State University with a bachelor's degree in multimedia journalism, Courtney has honed her skills as a business reporter for multiple Arkansas-based publications. As a proud Arkansas native, she is dedicated to spotlighting the community and sharing the stories that matter most to local residents.

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