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Hite Digital Norman

(29 reviews)

513 SW 156th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
(405) 701-9245

The last few years have been pretty rough for a lot of industries, and the insurance landscape is no different. It has been undergoing a seismic shift, with rates climbing to heights not seen in centuries. 

The pressing question for every policyholder becomes clear: “What does my insurance truly cover, and how will it serve me when I most need it?”

We recently got the chance to sit down with Jeff of the Jeff Blood Insurance Agency as he demystifies the surge in insurance rates and arms us with the knowledge to make informed decisions about our coverage. When uncertainty is the only certainty, understanding our insurance has never been more crucial.

The Perfect Storm: Understanding the Current Insurance Climate

In recent years, we’ve seen a massive shift in insurance, with rates climbing like never before. Experts are calling this surge a “500-year anomaly,” showing us how unusual and severe the situation is. This spike in rates comes from a mix of factors hitting all at once.

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a wrench into things, creating a lot of uncertainty and forcing insurance companies to rethink their charges. Then there’s inflation, making EVERYTHING more expensive, including the cost of repairing cars and homes. As a result, insurance companies have had to bump up their prices to cover these growing costs.

On top of that, we’re seeing more severe weather and accidents. This increase means insurance companies are paying out more often for disasters, leading to even higher rates. The world is also experiencing more natural disasters like hurricanes, fires, and floods, adding another layer of challenge for insurance companies.

Jeff describes this mix of challenges as creating a “perfect storm” for higher rates. “It’s a unique time in our industry, with several factors pushing rates to unprecedented levels,” he explains. 

“It’s a unique time in our industry, with several factors pushing rates to unprecedented levels”

Jeff Blood
Jeffrey Blood, Jeffrey Blood Insurance Agency

The Impact on Homeowners and Auto Insurance

In today’s fluctuating insurance market, the challenge isn’t just finding a policy but ensuring it offers sufficient protection when disaster strikes. This is particularly pressing for homeowners and auto insurance policyholders as we edge closer to tornado season, a time notorious for its potential to inflict severe damage.

This surge in insurance premiums prompts a critical examination of policies. “It’s essential to understand what your policy covers, especially in times of increased natural disasters,” Jeff advises. For homeowners, this means ensuring their policy encompasses the full rebuild cost of their home, not merely its market value, which is a crucial distinction that could significantly affect recovery post-disaster. 

For vehicle owners, the stakes are similarly high. Opting for comprehensive coverage becomes imperative, despite its higher premiums.This coverage acts as a fortification against the broad spectrum of damage that can come knocking. Carrying state minimum liability insurance can be a drop in the bucket in the aftermath of an accident, and only covers the other driver’s/passenger’s injuries or damage to property up to a small limit.

Navigating the current insurance climate demands a delicate balance between securing adequate coverage and managing costs. Jeff emphasizes, “Now, more than ever, it’s vital to reassess your insurance needs to ensure you’re properly protected without overextending financially.” 

Making Informed Decisions: The Role of a Knowledgeable Insurance Agent

In the current climate of rising insurance rates, it’s crucial to have a knowledgeable insurance agent to help guide your decisions. An expert can clarify complex policies and help you avoid the common pitfall of underinsuring to save on premiums. This strategy might seem cost-effective at first but can be financially damaging in the long run, especially if disaster strikes.

A good insurance agent’s role is not just about selling you a policy but ensuring you understand the coverage you’re choosing. They’ll explain the long-term impacts of your decisions, helping you weigh the pros and cons of different levels of coverage. For example, opting for a higher deductible might lower your monthly payments, but it could also mean a larger out-of-pocket expense when making a claim.

As insurance terms and conditions are becoming more complicated and the market is fluctuating, the right agent will keep you informed about changes that could affect your coverage. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs, ensuring you’re well-prepared for any scenario.

Ultimately, making informed insurance decisions means understanding the details of your coverage and how they align with your financial security. An experienced insurance agent is key to navigating these decisions, offering the clarity and guidance needed to protect yourself and your assets effectively.

Beyond Insurance: A Community Pillar

Jeff isn’t just about insurance; he’s deeply rooted in our community. With a background that includes overcoming personal challenges like facing homelessness after an unexpected life turn, Jeff knows the importance of support and giving back. His team can be found volunteering with community organizations, passing out candy at trunk-or-treat gatherings, or even helping client’s clean up their properties to meet policy requirements. They truly go the extra mile for their Okie neighbors. 

“Insurance is more than a policy; it’s about ensuring people have the support they need when life gets tough,”


To get in touch with Jeff and his team, check out their featured business profile below, or you can find him on Facebook here:

Joseph Singleton Headshot

Joseph Singleton is a contributing author and online editor for Whirlocal South OKC, Moore, and Norman, as well as the Ops Guru at HITE.

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