WhirLocal Cabot

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Cabot, Arkansas 72007

Community Spotlight: Spiritual Gifts Christian Bookstore

When sisters Vickey Langley and Rhonda Howard opened their Christian bookstore in 2006, they never imagined it would become a cornerstone for so many in their community, offering not only Christian literature but also a space for people seeking spiritual comfort. From its humble beginnings as a simple store offering Bibles and music to its present-day status as a spiritual haven, their bookstore has transformed in many ways. However, one thing has remained constant—their commitment to serving God through their work.

Langley and Howard didn’t set out to build a business together. In fact, both women had their own careers at the time. Langley worked for Entergy, a job that took her across the southern United States for over 30 years, and Howard was employed by the health department. Despite their separate paths, their shared faith and desire to provide for their community brought them together as business partners.

Howard decided to make running the store her full time job. “She ran all the operations, ordering, did everything to keep the store running,” Langley said of her sister. 

Initially, the store was located in a different building and focused heavily on books. The local community embraced the store as a place to purchase Christian literature, devotionals, and Bibles. As Howard explained, “ We kind of started not phasing out books, but focusing more on Bibles, devotionals, and those sorts of recourses.” 

“Our inventory for books when we first opened was pretty significant… Technology has had a significant impact on that. People use e-readers now,” Langley said. Now, the shop puts most of its focus into Bibles and devotionals as well as gifts. Howard and Langley can, however, special order most books for their customers. 

Langley and Howard relocated the store in 2011 to its current building, making it more accessible and spacious for customers. However, just as they began to settle into their new location, unexpected challenges arose. In addition to the growing pressure from online retailers and big chains, the COVID-19 pandemic hit hard, and their business had to shut its doors for several months. Shortly after reopening, disaster struck again when a storm damaged the store’s roof, causing severe flooding and forcing them to close for over a year.

Langley described the harrowing experience, saying, “We’ve been through very much the ups and downs over that period of time, from economic impacts and  family changes, COVID.”  Howard added, “We had some storm damage that we had to close down for about a year and a half.”

For many small businesses, these back-to-back setbacks might have been the end of the story. But for Langley and Howard, their business is more than just a storefront. It’s a ministry, and that guiding principle kept them going through the difficult times.

“I wouldn’t say we actually have looked at this as much as a business as we have a ministry,” Langley shared. “Because we’ve said, ‘Lord, do we still need to be here?’ I mean, it is hard… being a small business is very difficult. And even just recently, we wondered, ‘Should we really be doing this? Is it time?’ And then we had a lady come in, really looking for answers, going through a tough time… and later on, we found out she had accepted Christ and changed her path. So moments like that remind us why we’re doing this.”

For both sisters, these experiences reaffirm their mission. Langley explained how their faith plays a central role in their decision to keep the store open, despite the obstacles, saying, “We’ve been able to share Him with others, and we get reminded very often of our ‘why.’ Why are we doing this?”

The store’s mission has always been rooted in service, not only to the community but to God. This mission is reflected in their personal approach to customer service. Langley and Howard have fostered a welcoming environment where customers can feel comfortable sharing their personal struggles, knowing they’ll find understanding and support.

“We’ve had people come in here from all walks of life, and we try to meet them where they are,” Langley said. “Whether they’re looking for a Bible or just someone to talk to, we’re here for them. It’s not just about selling a product. It’s about building relationships and helping people along their spiritual journeys.”

As the only Christian bookstore in the area, Langley and Howard feel a deep sense of responsibility to their community. While large retailers like Mardel and Lifeway have scaled back their brick-and-mortar operations, Langley and Howard continue to offer personal services that bigger stores can’t match. From free Bible imprinting for Bibles purchased from their store to special orders for hard-to-find titles, their store remains a go-to for Christian resources in the area.

“What we can give you is the personal service,” Langley explained. “Rhonda has gotten very knowledgeable about all the different translations and different recourses that are available for Bible study.” 

The store has also become a gathering place for the local Christian community. While they no longer host large-scale events like they did in the past, the store is still involved in local ministry efforts. They frequently partner with local churches, offering support and resources for Bible studies, devotionals, and community outreach programs. They’ve also expanded their offerings to include gifts, home décor, and personalized items, making the store a place where customers can find unique, meaningful presents for friends and family.

Langley added, “We recently had The Call move next door, and we feel like that’s a real complement because both our businesses are faith-based.”

Looking ahead, Langley and Howard are optimistic about the future. Now that Langley has retired from her job at Entergy, the two sisters are excited to run the store together full-time—a goal they’ve had since the store’s inception. They plan to continue adapting to their community’s needs, offering personalized service, and maintaining their store as a ministry.

“We want to be able to provide the services and meet people’s needs,” Langley said. “Even though we’re small, we have access to whatever people need through our distributors. We want to be that trusted source that people can come to, especially as other stores have gone online. And we want to be here for as long as God wants us to be, to provide for our community and to keep spreading His message.”

As they enter this next chapter, Langley and Howard remain committed to their original mission—to serve God and their community. They may not have anticipated the challenges they’ve faced over the years, but their faith has carried them through, and they are ready to continue making a difference, one customer at a time.

Courtney Edwards

About the Author

Courtney Edwards is the journalist for WhirLocal Cabot, bringing a passion for storytelling and local business coverage. A graduate of Arkansas State University with a bachelor's degree in multimedia journalism, Courtney has honed her skills as a business reporter for multiple Arkansas-based publications. As a proud Arkansas native, she is dedicated to spotlighting the community and sharing the stories that matter most to local residents.

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