Pixel Fire Marketing

(39 reviews)

2424 S 130th Cir, Suite 100
Omaha, Nebraska 68144
(402) 214-5053

Originally from North Carolina, Justin Ogburn was still in the Navy when he got started in the real estate business. His last duty station was in Virginia and Justin had purchased rental properties he was managing to prepare for his life after the military. He had not planned to stay in Virginia after being discharged, though, as his wife was from Lincoln and the couple planned to reside in Omaha to raise their family.

When he and his family relocated, Justin continued his real estate journey by joining Headley Realty, a firm owned by another veteran and that provided both real estate and property management services to clients mainly in the Omaha area. Justin knew he could contribute to their success by focusing on others in the military. Since he’d been through the process of getting transferred between bases, he knows how to guide others in the armed forces through the process and he encourages them to buy real estate in each area they are stationed to begin accumulating assets. He’s become a master with virtual tours so he can show clients all over the country different properties they might be interested in.

“I really like to work with guys who have a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) where they move every 3-5 years. They need to have a house to meet their needs during that time, but then it just sets them up perfectly to rent that house out and buy a new one at their next station. It’s the perfect way to acquire real estate and start building an income for after they leave the service.”

To reach military clients, Justin relies a lot on word of mouth. He knows that helping one service member is the best way to spread the word and encourage others in the same situation to reach out. Justin is also a member of a Facebook group for those who have PCS at Offutt and gets involved in veteran-based non-profits such as Moving Veterans Forward to connect with others and to give back to his community and other veterans. He recently completed his second 50 Mile March to empower veterans to face mental health issues and get the help they need.

Justin also enjoys the challenge of working with first-time home buyers. “It can be tough, but also very rewarding,” he says. He enjoys helping them select other professionals in the industry who can help them insure, repair, and maintain their homes.

Justin’s goal is to have his own brokerage some day as he has a lot of ideas on how to grow his own company and continue to help veterans and first-time buyers. He always wants to remain innovative and stay ahead of the market so he can remain in the best possible position to do what he does best: help people.

Of course, building his business takes second place to what’s most important in Justin’s life: his family. Justin’s wife Callie is a CRNA at Lakeside and he has two older children, Kaden (18) and Ryder (17), both who live in Arizona, and two young children with Callie. Grayson is six and Lenyn is 14 months. The family loves living in Omaha and Justin is excited to raise his children among all the opportunities the city has to offer.

As a business owner and busy volunteer, Justin provides needed assistance and awareness to those still in the military and those who have left. He is also the perfect real estate partner for first-time buyers who are going through the exciting journey of buying their first home.

If you’d like to reach out to Justin, email him at [email protected].

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