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513 SW 156th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
(405) 701-9245

The success of local businesses in South Oklahoma City depends not only on the quality of their products or services but also on their ability to connect with customers and tap into local resources. In this blog post, we will explore how business owners in South OKC can leverage the South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce (SOKC Chamber) as a solution to connect with customers, network with other businesses, and access various resources to foster growth and success.


Building strong connections with customers and resources is crucial for the growth and sustainability of any local business. The SOKC Chamber serves as a hub for business owners in South Oklahoma City, providing them with opportunities and platforms to establish meaningful connections. By engaging with the SOKC Chamber, local businesses can unlock numerous benefits and tap into a supportive community that understands their unique needs and challenges.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is a powerful tool for local business owners to expand their reach and establish valuable connections. The SOKC Chamber organizes regular networking events, both in-person and online, where business owners can meet and collaborate with like-minded professionals. These events create a conducive environment for building partnerships, generating leads, and sharing industry knowledge. By actively participating in networking activities facilitated by the SOKC Chamber, business owners can strengthen their customer base and foster strategic alliances that drive growth.

Ribbon Cuttings and Grand Openings

Ribbon cuttings and grand openings play a significant role in creating awareness and excitement around a new business or location. The SOKC Chamber actively supports local businesses in organizing and promoting these events. Through their extensive network and community influence, the Chamber helps businesses gain visibility, attract customers, and establish a positive reputation from the start. The SOKC Chamber’s involvement in ribbon cuttings and grand openings provides local businesses with a memorable and impactful way to connect with their target audience.

Lunch & Learns

Continuous learning and professional development are vital for business growth. The SOKC Chamber understands this need and organizes Lunch & Learns, educational sessions that cover a wide range of topics relevant to local business owners. These sessions offer valuable insights, tips, and best practices shared by industry experts and thought leaders. Attending Lunch & Learns not only provides businesses with valuable knowledge but also serves as a platform for networking and connecting with other entrepreneurs facing similar challenges.

Positive Involvement with Local Politics & Issues

The SOKC Chamber takes an active role in advocating for local businesses, influencing local politics, and addressing community issues. By leveraging their influence and connections, the Chamber works towards creating a business-friendly environment and fostering economic growth. Through partnerships with government bodies and community organizations, the SOKC Chamber amplifies the voice of local businesses and ensures their interests are represented. By actively participating in these initiatives, business owners can influence policies and contribute to an improved business ecosystem.

Exporting and Certificate of Origin

For manufacturers in South Oklahoma City, exporting products to new markets can open up significant growth opportunities. The SOKC Chamber assists manufacturing businesses in obtaining certificates of origin, a crucial requirement for exporting goods. By facilitating this process, the Chamber helps manufacturers expand their customer base beyond local borders and tap into global markets. The ability to export products enables manufacturers to diversify their revenue streams and drive economic growth in South OKC.

Elaine Lyons, President & CEO, and Staff

At the helm of the SOKC Chamber is Elaine Lyons, the President & CEO. Her dynamic leadership and strategic vision have been instrumental in driving the Chamber’s success. Alongside Elaine, the SOKC Chamber boasts a team of dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to keep the community connected and engaged. Their commitment to supporting local businesses is evident in the Chamber’s programs, events, and initiatives. Testimonials from local business owners further affirm the impact of Elaine Lyons and her fabulous staff on the South Oklahoma City business community.


Connecting with customers and local resources is vital for the growth and success of local businesses in South Oklahoma City. The South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce offers a range of networking opportunities, promotes ribbon cuttings and grand openings, organizes informative Lunch & Learns, influences local politics, and assists manufacturers in exporting their products. Led by President & CEO Elaine Lyons and her dedicated staff, the SOKC Chamber plays a crucial role in keeping the community connected and engaged. By actively engaging with the SOKC Chamber, local business owners can leverage these opportunities and resources to thrive in the competitive marketplace.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How can I join the South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce? To become a member of the SOKC Chamber, visit their official website and navigate to the membership section. There, you will find information on the membership benefits and the application process.

2. What types of businesses can benefit from networking events organized by the SOKC Chamber? Networking events organized by the South OKC Chamber cater to a wide range of businesses, including retail, service-based, manufacturing, and professional services. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, networking events provide valuable opportunities for growth.

3. Can non-manufacturing businesses benefit from exporting their products? Exporting products is not limited to manufacturing businesses alone. Many non-manufacturing businesses, such as technology companies and creative studios, can also explore international markets and expand their reach through strategic exporting.

4. How can I stay updated on the SOKC Chamber’s events and initiatives? To stay informed about the SOKC Chamber’s events, initiatives, and news, you can subscribe to their Monday Morning Memo, or follow them on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

5. Can I attend Lunch & Learns even if I’m not a member of the SOKC Chamber? Yes, Lunch & Learns organized by the SOKC Chamber are often open to both members and non-members. However, some events may have limited seating, so it’s advisable to check the event details and RSVP in advance.

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