Top Quality Doors

(133 reviews)

2320 Beverly Hills St
Norman, Oklahoma 73072
(405) 579-3667

Oklahoma has long struggled with one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, particularly for women. For many of these women, a sentence doesn’t just mean time in prison; it means separation from their families and children, creating a cycle of hardship that is hard to break. But for Erin Engelke, the new CEO of ReMerge, breaking that cycle is more than a mission—it’s a calling.

ReMerge is a unique program in Oklahoma City that offers an alternative to incarceration for mothers with non-violent felony offenses. Instead of prison, in cooperation with the courts, the ReMerge program provides these women with the tools and support they need to rebuild their lives, reconnect with their children, and become independent members of the community. Erin Engelke’s leadership at ReMerge is helping to reshape futures and, in the process, change the narrative around female incarceration in Oklahoma.

A Program Born from Community Commitment

ReMerge was founded in 2011 by a group of passionate community members, including organizations like United Way and the Inasmuch Foundation. At that time, Oklahoma held the grim title of having the highest female incarceration rate in the world. Community leaders were determined to address this crisis, and through their efforts, ReMerge was born.

Erin explains, “There were just enough people that cared so much about that issue and wanted to do something about it. They came together and began to have consecutive meetings to discuss, like, how do we change this? How do we ensure that the women who end up in the system aren’t just left there without some level of support?” This dedication laid the foundation for what would become a transformative program in the lives of many Oklahoma women.

A Pathway to Change: How ReMerge Works

ReMerge is more than just an alternative to being criminally detained; it’s a comprehensive support system that guides women through a structured, five-phase program designed to help them regain their independence and stability. Each phase of the program focuses on a different aspect of personal development, from achieving sobriety to securing employment and completing educational milestones.

“For most of our moms, it takes about 18 to 24 months to complete all five phases. The early phases are primarily focused on getting sober and stable. Our moms are here every single day, working hard not just on their recovery but on building a future for themselves and their children.”


ReMerge provides a nurturing environment where women can focus on their recovery and personal growth. The program includes various supports like an embedded therapist, housing partners, and even a social enterprise, Catalyst Cookies, where participants can earn wages and learn valuable job skills. “We have a beautiful commercial kitchen where, on Mondays and Wednesdays, our moms make and bake cookies,” Erin shares. “This work helps them earn a wage and develop skills that are crucial for their future independence.” You can order their amazing cookies on their cookie website at

Transforming Lives and Communities

The impact of ReMerge has been nothing short of remarkable. Since its inception, the program has saved more than 1,100 years of prison time and participants significantly beat the average recidivism rate. As of today, ReMerge has graduated 206 women, collectively saving the state over $51 million. Erin proudly notes, “Our recidivism rate is only 8 percent, much lower than the state’s general rate of around 20 to 30 percent. We’re not just saving the state money; we’re saving lives and families.”

One of the most profound aspects of ReMerge is its focus on reuniting mothers with their children. Many women enter the program with their children in DHS custody or kinship care, but through dedication and support, they work towards reunification. “Our ultimate goal is to help these women get their kids back and create a stable home environment,” Erin explains. “It’s about more than just avoiding prison—it’s about rebuilding lives and families.”

Navigating Challenges in Oklahoma’s Legal System

While ReMerge has made significant strides, the journey is not without its challenges. Erin is acutely aware of the hurdles posed by Oklahoma’s legal system, which often hands out harsh penalties for women involved in non-violent offenses. “Unfortunately, the laws in Oklahoma are not very supportive of women,” Erin says. “If a woman is in a car with a man who commits a crime, she can face the same level of punishment, even if she wasn’t directly involved. It’s a system that doesn’t always consider the context of these women’s lives.”

As a commissioner on the Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women, Erin is actively involved in advocating for changes to these laws. She is passionate about ensuring that women receive fair treatment and that families have the opportunity to stay together whenever possible. “We have to change the trajectory for these women, not just for their sake, but for their children and future generations,” she asserts.

We want to break the cycle of incarceration and give these women and their families a chance to build a new future.

Expanding the Reach of ReMerge

Looking ahead, ReMerge is poised to expand its reach beyond Oklahoma County. Currently, the program is exploring partnerships with Canadian, McLain, and Cleveland counties to provide more women with the opportunity for a second chance. “We’re in conversation with various court systems to expand our services,” Erin shares. “Our vision is to bring the benefits of ReMerge to as many women as possible across the state.”

The expansion plans also include increasing the physical space at ReMerge’s facility to better serve graduates and provide more areas for family visitation and reunification. “We’re adding another 3,000 square feet that will be completely dedicated to our graduates,” Erin explains. “This will be a space where they can continue to receive support, host family events, and stay connected with the community.”

How the Community Can Support

Erin emphasizes that community involvement is crucial for the success of ReMerge. There are several ways for people to get involved, from volunteering to serve as mentors to purchasing cookies from Catalyst Cookies. “Mentorship is a big part of what we do,” Erin says. “We have a beautiful program where community members meet once a month with a mom to provide guidance and support. It’s a special way to make a real difference in someone’s life.”

In addition to mentorship, ReMerge hosts events throughout the year and always welcomes volunteers to help out. Financial contributions are also vital to maintaining and expanding the program’s services. “We’re always looking for employers who are willing to provide second-chance jobs to our graduates,” Erin adds. “These women are some of the most dedicated and hardworking individuals you’ll ever meet. They deserve the chance to build a future.”

Vision for the Future

For Erin, the work at ReMerge is deeply personal. She transitioned from her previous role at Calm Waters, a grief center, to ReMerge because she felt a calling to support women in the criminal justice system. After being appointed Vice-Chair of the Jail Trust’s Citizens Advisory Board, she had her eyes opened to the problem. “I remember going into the detention center and seeing these people who had made mistakes but hadn’t been supported in the ways they deserved. I knew I had to do something more,” she reflects.

Erin’s vision for ReMerge is not just about reducing incarceration rates—it’s about creating a community where every woman has the opportunity to thrive. “We want to break the cycle of incarceration and give these women and their families a chance to build a new future,” she says. “It’s hard work, but seeing the transformation in these women’s lives makes it all worth it.”

ReMerge continues to provide hope and support to Oklahoma women, proving that with the right resources and community backing, second chances can lead to lasting change for these women, their children and our community as a whole.

To find out more about ReMerge, you can find their website at, and find them on social media at:

Amy's Headshot

Amy Singleton is a contributing author and online editor for Whirlocal South OKC, Moore, and Norman. She’s the host of the Queen Lead Podcast, a motivational & marketing keynote speaker, and the CEO at HITE.

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