WhirLocal Cabot

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Cabot, Arkansas 72007

Community Spotlight: Robins Embroidery

In a quaint home studio in Cabot, Arkansas, Patricia Robins has woven a tapestry of creativity and passion through her business, Robins Embroidery. What started as a therapeutic hobby has blossomed into a thriving enterprise, serving clients across the United States with custom embroidered goods that exude quality and personal touch.

Robins’ journey into the world of embroidery began in 2015, following an early retirement from a 24-year career with the state of Arkansas. Her tenure with Adult Protective Services was marked by immense stress, managing the custody of over 650 vulnerable adults. The political shifts and administrative changes in 2015 led to her exit, pushing her to find a new purpose. “I invested in a single-needle embroidery machine as a form of self-therapy,” she recalled.

What began as a personal creative outlet soon attracted attention. Her friends and acquaintances started requesting custom items, leading her to realize the potential of her hobby as a business. She invested in more advanced machinery, eventually acquiring a ten-needle embroidery machine, which significantly increased her efficiency. “It changes the colors, so I don’t have to,” Robins explained. “I have to tell it what’s on each spool, but it does everything for me.” Her business caters to a diverse clientele, from local organizations like the Order of the Eastern Star to customers from Arizona, Washington State, and California.

Robins’ commitment to quality is unwavering. Unlike mass production, every piece she creates is custom-designed and meticulously crafted. “Everything is custom. They’ll send me a text or an email, I send in proofs, take a picture, send it to them, they say yes, I go,” she said. This hands-on approach ensures that every customer feels valued and receives a unique product tailored to their specifications. “I don’t like calling them customers,” she said. “That sounds too impersonal. I like the personal touch.”

One of the most distinctive aspects of Robins Embroidery is the variety of unusual objects she has embroidered. From toilet paper to baseballs, she embraces challenges that many embroiderers shy away from. “These are things that your everyday embroiderer hasn’t done, won’t do, and shakes their head,” she said. These unique creations often serve as conversation starters and showcase her innovative spirit.

Running a home-based business allows Robins to balance her professional and personal life effectively. She dedicates Thursdays to spending time with her 93-year-old mother, emphasizing the importance of flexibility in her work schedule. “If I grew to where I couldn’t do that, I would not be happy,” she admitted. This balance is crucial to maintaining the passion and quality that defines Robins Embroidery.

Running a small business comes with its challenges. Robins handles all aspects of her business herself, ensuring that every detail is meticulously managed. The most rewarding aspect of her business is “watching clients smile and say ‘I really like that,’” she said.

Looking ahead, she hopes to continue her business for another 10 to 15 years, health permitting. She dreams of one day passing her craft down to one of her granddaughters, keeping the legacy of Robins Embroidery alive. For now, she remains dedicated to providing high-quality, personalized embroidered items that stand the test of time.

Courtney Edwards

About the Author

Courtney Edwards is the journalist for WhirLocal Cabot, bringing a passion for storytelling and local business coverage. A graduate of Arkansas State University with a bachelor's degree in multimedia journalism, Courtney has honed her skills as a business reporter for multiple Arkansas-based publications. As a proud Arkansas native, she is dedicated to spotlighting the community and sharing the stories that matter most to local residents.

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