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2424 S 130th Cir, Suite 100
Omaha, Nebraska 68144
(402) 214-5053

“We treat every project we undertake as if it is our own.”

With this attitude toward each client, whether one is looking for a small business expansion or a multimillion-dollar complex, Holly Hunt is seeking to provide her customers with a construction experience that builds meaningful relationships and 100% customer satisfaction. This is the vision behind ELEVATE Construction, Holly’s latest entrepreneurial journey that opened its doors in 2022.

What Sets ELEVATE Construction Apart?

ELEVATE is a full-service construction firm that provides a broad scope of services to meet their clients’ needs from design-build to general contracting, pre-construction planning and permitting, and project management. Holly and her team guide clients from hazy dreams to turnkey realization of their vision.

After one conversation with Holly, clients feel like they’re collaborating with an old friend. Her gregarious nature and positive energy are palpable, for building relationships is at the heart of everything ELEVATE does. Achieving this requires a commitment to outstanding communication: listening to hear clients’ needs and goals, openness and transparency about the scope, cost, and challenges of the project…from the very first consultation… and strict adherence to the client’s values and priorities.

Even when the going gets tough because of complications, supply chain issues, or outspending the budget, clients will know immediately. ELEVATE won’t just tell you about the problem, they’ll present viable, specific solutions that will get your project back on track.

Sometimes they know they aren’t the right company for your project at that time, and if ever that is the case, they’ll help you find the best construction company to take care of your needs.

No project (or client) is taken for granted, and each offers unique challenges and opportunities. Holly recounts their recent work in the University of Nebraska’s press room. Not only did it afford them a behind-the-scenes look at the school’s athletic department, it garnered them the Eagle Award for Associated Builders and Contractors. Theirs was the Project of the Year in the under $4 million division.

Day in and day out, ELEVATE is on a mission to live by its core values of outstanding customer care and quality workmanship done right, and the approach is working. Undergirded by solid vision and values, this fledgling construction company is spreading its wings and taking off.

How is the Company Culture Being Built?

Over the course of a work week, people spend more time at their jobs and with their coworkers than they do with their own families. Understanding this motivates Holly to build a company culture that forms a second family for her team. ELEVATE is achieving this in several ways. First, the staff meets together weekly, and during these sessions, all participants are encouraged to bring up problems, challenges, and needs they have at work. The practical experiences and training of each team member is welcomed as they collectively offer solutions and support to one another in a safe environment of collaboration and mutual support. Holly also makes sure she checks in one-on-one with her team regularly, a proactive approach that extends beyond an “open door policy.”

At the end of the day, Holly wants her employees to love their jobs and to know that they matter to the company. She genuinely cares about the individual lives of her employees and provides social opportunities for facilitating relationships and maximum flexibility so they can take care of their top priorities…their families. Conveying to staff, “You are valuable to the team,” and “We’re here to help you succeed,” encourages everyone to bring their best to work.

As ELEVATE grows and seeks to add additional staff, Holly strives to safeguard the culture they’ve built, and that means hiring the right candidates that fit the company’s vision. More than an impressive resume, she is keenly interested in sitting down with and getting to know the person behind the resume. In lieu of a formal interview process, she and her partner converse with the candidate and look for essential qualities. Is this a positive person? Does he or she want to add to the company culture? Does he or she demonstrate a strong work ethic, the desire to learn, and the drive to succeed? Next, current employees meet with the candidates and get to know them. They offer insightful feedback and have an important voice in the hiring process, as ultimately, they will be the ones working shoulder-to-shoulder with the new hire every day.

What Lies Ahead for ELEVATE?

ELEVATE may just be beginning, but Holly is ready to lead her company toward long-term healthy growth. No matter the journey ahead, you can be assured that relationships and service are the top priorities. Through these values, they seek to establish long-term engagement with clients and see their customer base extend beyond Nebraska and into the surrounding midwestern states. “No matter how we grow, I want to stay involved in every project. I want every client to have my cell number and know that I am available to them.”

As actor Michael J. Fox once observed, “Family is not an important thing; it is everything,” and the folks at ELEVATE would certainly agree.

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