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Cabot, Arkansas 72007

Community Spotlight: Pink & Blue Children’s Consignment

Jamie Baltezor’s journey to owning Pink & Blue Children’s Consignment in Cabot, Arkansas, began with a simple dream: to own her own business. This dream quickly transformed into a community effort, a beacon of resilience, and a hub for quality children’s items in a town she has called home since childhood.

Formerly a medical coder working remotely, Baltezor started looking for a life change after her mother passed last year. The opportunity to buy Pink & Blue, where she had been a consignor for years, came to her attention. “That just kind of shifted my focus,” she said. “I didn’t want to be in that room anymore, and I thought now is the time to do what I wanted to do.”

A Storied History with a Bright Future

Pink & Blue Children’s Consignment, now located at 2006 S Pine St. Suite C, has been a staple in Cabot for 15 years. The former owner, Mandy Liebenberg, who nurtured its growth for more than 12 years before deciding to retire, sold the business to Baltezor.

“Being a mom of four, I know the need to find quality affordable clothing,” she said. “That is one of the reasons why it was so important to keep this going.”

Baltezor recalls how she first learned about the business being up for sale through a late-night Facebook post shared by her sister-in-law. Despite the late hour, Baltezor didn’t hesitate to reach out to Mandy, expressing her interest and passion for the store. This swift action, coupled with her deep connection to the community and the store, set her apart from other potential buyers.

“She sent it pretty late at night, and normally I don’t mess with it when it’s late,” Baltezor said. “I just say it’s there in the morning when I get up. But I looked at it, and I immediately sent Mandy a Facebook messenger, like ‘I would love more information.’ I know several people wanted to purchase the business, and she had a terrible time trying to decide, and she had it whittled down to myself and another great lady. The only thing that gave me that nudge was that I was the first to message her.”

A Community-Centric Approach

One of the unique aspects of Pink & Blue, besides its focus on children’s clothes as a consignment shop, is its strong community presence. Baltezor is committed to giving back both through her church and now her business. The store donates unsold consignment items to The Well Church, which hosts an annual community yard sale, offering free items to families in need. This event has been a significant blessing to many, reinforcing the store’s role as a cornerstone of community support.

Transition and Transformation

Transitioning from a medical coder working from home to a business owner was a significant change for Baltezor. After the loss of her mother, Baltezor realized she wanted more out of life than the isolation of remote work. “I’ve always wanted to own my own business,” she explains. “And this is in my wheelhouse. It just felt right.” This decision not only fulfilled her entrepreneurial dreams but also brought her closer to the community she loves.

She took over the business officially in January but faced delays in reopening due to renovations. The store finally opened its doors at the new location in late April 2023. Despite these challenges, her determination and community support have kept the momentum going.

“Customers have come in and just honestly, they’ve thanked me for purchasing it and keeping it going because they have loved Pink & Blue so much,” Baltezor said. “That’s been the biggest feedback. They’re just so glad that it’s open again.”

A New Vision for Pink & Blue

While maintaining the store’s core structure, Baltezor has introduced new elements to enhance the shopping experience. She has added a “mom corner,” with items women might enjoy browsing through while they’re in the shop for their children or grandchildren. She also added a TV area in the back to keep the children entertained while parents shop. Baltezor is also looking to eventually expand the store’s offerings to include maternity items and athletic gear, responding to customer demand and her own experience as a mother of athletes.

The store remains dedicated to providing high-quality children’s items, meticulously checking for stains, rips, and missing pieces. This commitment to quality ensures that customers can always find reliable and well-maintained items.

She doesn’t do it alone, though. Her family and friends have been a huge support system for her in this new journey as a business owner. “My family and friends have been a massive support here,” she said. “My dad sits over there and tags clothes for me so many days.”

Looking Ahead

As Baltezor continues to navigate her new role, her primary focus remains on building relationships within the community. “This has kind of been a thing that we’ve all come together on,” she says. “It’s been an absolute joy getting to know the customers and consigners that come in here.” Her passion for the business and dedication to community service shine through in every aspect of Pink & Blue.

For Baltezor, Pink & Blue isn’t just a business—it’s a testament to community spirit, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams. As she looks to the future, her vision for the store includes expanding its reach and continuing to serve as a cherished affordable store in Cabot.

“I just want to be a blessing to someone else,” she said. “And represent Christ, first and foremost, my family, and my church.”

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