Bob Williams of Williams Law, LLC may have left the Nebraska farming community of his childhood behind, but it’s clear the small-town values and enthusiasm for giving a neighbor a hand are foundational principles that have shaped his career in law. With over twenty years in legal defense, Bob decided in 2019 that it was time to open an independent practice. He’s been approached numerous times to forge a partnership with friends and associates in the business, but he’s happy with the freedom to direct his days and his schedule, helping him balance what he loves most: his family first and foremost, and the clients he is able to provide with expert counsel and support in times of need.

Justice is a Fundamental Right for All of Us

Photo by Lane Hickenbottom/Omaha Headshot Co.

Bob genuinely cares about the people he represents. He’s made it his practice to operate by a simple philosophy, “Being kind and a good person pays great dividends,” and at this stage of his career, he’s experienced the veracity of this belief time and time again.

Following law school and invaluable internship experiences, Bob began his legal career as a public defender. His clients’ needs were great, but their resources were limited, so he found this role very rewarding. He also spent considerable time in mental health and rehabilitation facilities, making sure patients were granted access to the care and support services needed to maximize their quality of life.

During his work in mental health, Bob learned to read and utilize the DSM-IV, the primary screening test for a variety of mental health concerns, as well as medical and psychiatric charts. With an estimated 75% of his clients suffering from mental illness, substance abuse, or comorbidities, this understanding is an essential part of his daily work. This insight has helped him on more than one occasion to successfully navigate complex cases of patient rights and care, enabling defendants to receive rehabilitative support and psychological and therapeutic services.

His formative legal experiences, paired with familial upbringing, have informed Bob’s relationships with his clients and his practice. At Williams Law, Bob continues to offer pro bono work for those in need, especially for the Winnebago people. He also offers initial consultations free of charge, as he’s passionate about making sure costs don’t interfere with access to justice.

In every case, Bob strives to achieve the best possible outcome for his clients. Innocent or guilty, all deserve due process. Whatever the issue, Bob works hard to make sure his clients get help, resources, and support, so that the situation that brought them into legal trouble doesn’t happen again. To this end, he strives to maintain a close network of professionals in the healthcare industry.

Life-changing Impact

As is true with any other occupation, there are days when the hours are long, and the work is mentally and emotionally taxing. However, there are rewarding cases too, ones in which Bob’s fight for justice results in a life transformed.

One case that stands out among the rest is the story of a young woman late in her teenage years. She suffered from mental illness and had a prior record before Bob was hired to help defend her. Immediately prior to the newest case, her long-acting medications were changed abruptly, resulting in a psychotic break. The crime for which she was accused could be clearly linked to her diagnosis. Over the course of a year, Bob researched, consulted with the head of the psychology department at the University of Nebraska, and worked to put together a treatment plan and establish safety protocols for her. In the years since, the support he helped put in place has helped her progress toward a full, rich, and healthy life. Bob is kept abreast of her progress through regular updates with her grateful family. She has now completed her university degree and is currently planning her wedding.

Staying Grounded in a Notoriously Demanding Profession

Bob credits his wife, a high school teacher who he describes as “kind and soft-hearted,” for helping him keep clients and their needs in perspective. He makes no apologies for dropping everything when his family needs him, as they will always come first. He is also appreciative to the mentors of his early career who taught him to shed office and courtroom responsibilities at the end of the day and fully don his role as “Dad” when he comes home. Sure, there are days when one role impacts the other, but for the most part, he can wear one hat at a time.

Additionally, Bob finds joy and deep meaning in giving back to the community. Not only is he serving on the Board of Directors for the family business, but he also has served the Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorneys Association (NCDAA) as secretary, vice president, president, and past president. The highlight of his work with this organization is providing outstanding professional development, including a “boot camp” for young attorneys, and in this way, he is breathing new life into his client-centered brand of legal work and ensuring the next generation of Nebraska defense attorneys will continue the fight for liberty and justice for all.

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