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Because One Matters Wrapped in Love (WIL) Closet provides foster, kinship, adoptive and underrepresented families in Gwinnett and Walton County the ability to shop for free for new and gently used clothing items, shoes, toiletries, and everyday essentials. The WIL closet also provides a duffel bag with essential items to children entering foster care for the first time.

“We are thrilled about opening a permanent location, as we are committed to helping these children with items that will help them in their new norm. The goal of the organization is to provide the children we serve with the gift of hope for a brighter future and show them that their community supports and loves them.” stated our Program Director, Mrs. Kati Tait.

“We are excited to have Because One Matters as part of the Chamber and to share in their success through this ribbon-cutting ceremony,” added Gwinnett Chamber President and CEO Nick Masino. “Our mission is to champion business, and we look forward to watching their business grow in the Greater Gwinnett region.”

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