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WhirLocal Cabot

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Cabot, Arkansas 72007

Recent weeks have seen an unexpected rise in bear sightings around Central Arkansas and the Cabot area, leaving residents curious and concerned. Understanding the reasons behind these encounters is crucial for both safety and coexistence with these magnificent animals.

Rise in Bear Sightings

In the last month, several reports of bear sightings have emerged from various parts of Cabot and surrounding areas. Just recently, a bear was spotted near Hwy 5 and John Hardin Drive, prompting involvement from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and local first responders. Such incidents are becoming more common, reflecting a broader trend observed throughout central Arkansas.

Why Are Bears Coming to Town?

  1. Habitat Encroachment: Urban expansion is a primary factor driving bears into populated areas. As natural habitats shrink due to development, bears are compelled to venture into human territories in search of food and shelter.
  2. Food Scarcity: Bears are opportunistic feeders. When their natural food sources become scarce, particularly in late spring and early summer before berry season, they may forage in urban environments. Garbage, bird feeders, and even pet food can attract these hungry bears.
  3. Young Males Dispersing: According to the AGFC, young male bears tend to roam more extensively, often leading them into unfamiliar and sometimes urban areas. These young males are seeking new territories as they mature and leave their maternal ranges.
  4. Seasonal Behavior: As bears emerge from hibernation, their immediate goal is to replenish lost body weight. This period of hyperphagia (excessive eating) drives them to explore new areas, including human settlements, to satisfy their heightened caloric needs​.

Community Response and Safety Measures

Local authorities and wildlife experts emphasize the importance of maintaining a safe distance from these wild animals. Residents are advised to secure trash, remove bird feeders, and avoid leaving pet food outside. The AGFC provides guidelines on managing bear encounters and urges the public to report sightings to help track and manage the bear population effectively.

During a recent sighting in downtown Arkadelphia, officials had to tranquilize and relocate the bear to prevent any potential human-wildlife conflict. This incident highlights the critical need for community awareness and preparedness.

Conservation Efforts

The AGFC continues to play a pivotal role in bear conservation and management in Arkansas. Public participation in bear surveys and reporting sightings helps biologists collect essential data, which in turn aids in developing effective conservation strategies. Efforts to expand bear hunting opportunities and manage their population are also part of the broader conservation framework​.


The rise in bear sightings in Cabot is a reminder of the delicate balance between urban expansion and wildlife habitats. By understanding the reasons behind these encounters and taking appropriate measures, residents can help ensure their safety while promoting coexistence with these majestic creatures.

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