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WhirLocal Cabot

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Cabot, Arkansas 72007

As Arkansas grapples with an intense heat wave, with temperatures expected to soar near record highs, residents are feeling the brunt of this extreme weather. This scorching heat not only poses health risks but also tests the limits of home cooling systems. Ensuring your HVAC system is running efficiently is crucial to staying safe and comfortable during these trying times.

The Current Heat Wave

Arkansas is currently under the grip of a severe heat wave, with The National Weather Service issuing excessive heat warnings across all counties, and the heat index value expected to exceed 110 degrees. A high-pressure system, commonly known as a “heat dome,” is responsible for trapping hot air and preventing it from dissipating, leading to persistently high temperatures and dry conditions.

Importance of a Well-Maintained HVAC System

During such extreme weather conditions, a properly functioning HVAC system is essential. An efficient system not only cools your home but also helps maintain indoor air quality. Here are some reasons why maintaining your HVAC system is crucial during a heat wave:

  1. Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained system operates more efficiently, consuming less energy and reducing your electricity bills.
  2. Longevity: Regular maintenance extends the lifespan of your HVAC system, preventing costly replacements.
  3. Comfort: An efficient system provides consistent cooling, ensuring comfort despite soaring outdoor temperatures.
  4. Health: Proper ventilation and cooling help mitigate health risks associated with heat, such as heat stroke and dehydration.

Trustworthy HVAC Companies in Cabot, AR

Finding a reliable HVAC service provider is essential, especially during emergencies. Here are some reputable local HVAC companies in Cabot, AR, that offer emergency services:

  1. Hillenburg Heat & Air: Known for their prompt response and excellent customer service, Hillenburg Heat & Air provides 24/7 emergency HVAC repairs and maintenance. They are well-regarded for their expertise and reliability.
  2. Lyons HVAC and Plumbing: With a strong reputation for comprehensive HVAC services, Lyons offers emergency repair services and routine maintenance to ensure your system is always in top condition.
  3. Sanders Plumbing HVAC: Offering both residential and commercial HVAC services, Sanders Plumbing HVAC is known for their quick response times and professional service. They provide emergency repairs and are committed to customer satisfaction.

Tips for Maintaining Your HVAC System

  1. Regular Inspections: Schedule regular HVAC inspections to identify and fix potential issues before they escalate.
  2. Filter Replacement: Replace air filters every 1-3 months to ensure optimal airflow and efficiency.
  3. Clean the Condenser Unit: Keep the outdoor condenser unit clean and free of debris to maintain efficient operation.
  4. Check Thermostat Settings: Ensure your thermostat is set to the correct temperature and consider using programmable thermostats for better energy management.


As the heat wave continues to challenge Arkansas, ensuring your HVAC system is functioning properly is more important than ever. Regular maintenance not only guarantees comfort but also protects your health and saves on energy costs. Trustworthy local HVAC companies are available to provide emergency services, ensuring that you stay cool and safe during these extreme temperatures. Stay proactive and prepared to beat the heat effectively.

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