Pixel Fire Marketing

(39 reviews)

2424 S 130th Cir, Suite 100
Omaha, Nebraska 68144
(402) 214-5053

What happens when an Air Force veteran with experience and expertise in human resources
and event planning pursues his love of poker?

You get a Vegas-style casino experience and a night you’ll never forget.

Image of casino table surface with multiple poker chips stacked in rows.

Ken Waters, owner and operator of All In Party Rentals, found his way into the casino gaming
culture while stationed in Las Vegas. He, among other servicemen, was recruited to help with
the World Series of Poker and he also had the opportunity to help host amateur poker events.
He loved everything about it including the atmosphere, the game, and the culture of casino

Ken’s time in the service ended with retirement and he chose Omaha as the ideal location to
reinvent the civilian version of himself. He took an all-in approach to this new season of his life,
pouring himself wholly into putting down roots in his new hometown. He founded the executive
recruitment firm the McKenny Group and got involved in nonprofit work, serving as a board
member for Boots and Suits and an advisor to Future Business Leaders of America.

In his free time, Ken began putting on private poker events in his basement, garages, or
wherever an event could be organized.

Luck of the Draw

While serving as board president for the nonprofit organization Bags of Fun, Ken decided to
plan and host a casino fundraiser event. The whole community came out to support the event,
with businesses and individuals giving generously. To accommodate all the guests, he had to
rent tables from a competitor.

The equipment he was able to procure was embarrassingly subpar, but no better option was
available. Bags of Fun is an organization committed to walking with children and their families
through unimaginable illnesses and Ken sought to provide them with a professional-grade event
that showed supporters of the organization how much their generosity was valued and
appreciated, right down to the quality of the furnishings.

The fact that he couldn’t have the caliber of event he wanted didn’t sit well with Ken, so he
embarked on a quest to learn all he could about the casino gaming business. Within three
months, he was convinced he could create a better model than what he had seen. Once again,
Ken dove “all in” and All In Party Rentals was born.

Ace in the Hole

All In was intentionally designed for a completely unique gaming experience and that started
with having the right people in place. When companies or organizations hire his company, Ken
personally attends to every detail of the planning, logistics, and set up and then oversees the
event in person, anticipating every need and mingling with guests and dealers so that everyone
enjoys a truly Vegas-worthy experience. This frees the organizations to spend time with their
guests, thank their employees or donors, and make unforgettable memories.

Ken knows his company’s brand is ultimately its people, so every dealer at All In events is a
well-trained and smartly dressed professional. He even devised his own gaming and customer
service training process to make sure his people are the best in the business. These dealers
love the games, and they want to share their knowledge with event attendees. They teach the
strategies, signals, and moves that will equip players to stroll confidently onto the floor of any
casino they visit.

Hit the Jackpot

All In’s clientele typically fall into two broad categories.

Corporations and firms find casino nights help build healthy office culture and rapport for their
employees and their spouses/ partners. They are also a great way to celebrate the completion
of a large project or a profitable year. Creating a positive and relational office culture improves
productivity, retention, and morale, and Ken and his team can help facilitate that.

Ken’s commitment to nonprofits stems from a vow he made to himself while in the military and
stationed overseas. He received care packages and encouraging letters from perfect strangers,
and he treasured them, moved that someone he’d never met cared enough to show him such
kindness. He swore then that when he finished his service obligations, he would invest in those
organizations that were serving people so well. His All-In charity fundraiser events have
consistently raised $10,000- 15,000 for the hosting organization and expanded their reach
within the community.

Play Your Cards Right

Ken Waters has beautifully melded his approach to life, his professional experience, his
commitment to the community, and his love of the game through All In Party Rentals. He
oversees quality people, quality equipment, and quality experiences from right here in Omaha.

In all of Nebraska, his business offers a unique top-tier gaming experience, and whether an
organization is around the corner or across the state, All In is ready to travel to give folks a night
they’ll never forget.

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