WhirLocal Cabot

(1 review)

Cabot, Arkansas 72007

Community Spotlight: Rustic Roots Hair Co.

In a town where salons were once a rare find, four determined young women have turned that scarcity into an opportunity for the community. Ward, Arkansas, now boasts a new haven for beauty enthusiasts, thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of Abby McKeehan and Jodie Smith, with invaluable support from Kayley Waters and Ashlee Nichols. Their journey from uncertain cosmetology students to confident salon owners and stylists is nothing short of inspiring.

It all began on the first day of cosmetology school, where McKeehan and Smith met by chance. “Immediately, we just clicked,” McKeehan recalled. “Everyone else in cosmetology school was so confident from the very beginning, and we were just a little bit scared. That day when we left, she said that she walked out to her mom in her car and said, ‘That girl right there, I made a friend. That’s my friend.'” Their bond, strengthened by mutual support and a shared vision, became the foundation for what would eventually become their own salon. “We said one day we’re going to open our own place,” McKeehan added. “That’s our dream.”

After working together at a salon in Beebe, the environment became increasingly toxic, leaving them with a choice: stay and endure, or take a leap into the unknown. The decision wasn’t made lightly, but with encouragement from others who told them there’s never a perfect time to start a business, they decided to take that leap. “Everyone told us there was never going to be good timing, so just take the leap. And that’s what we did,” McKeehan shared.

Their first challenge came in the form of the salon space itself. The location they chose in Ward was far from ready for business. “All the walls were dark blue with Sharpie on them, and the windows were painted black. It was a mess,” McKeehan recalled. But with the promise of a month’s free rent in exchange for doing the renovations themselves, the team, along with the help of their families, set to work. “We literally finished renovations at midnight the night before we opened,” she said, highlighting the determination and grit that drove them to make their dream a reality.

As the doors opened on July 18th, the response from the Ward community was overwhelmingly positive. In a town where salon options were limited, residents were excited to finally have a new place to visit. From day one, the salon has been bustling with clients, many of whom are relieved to have a welcoming and inclusive space so close to home. “We were a little bit nervous opening our first salon. You know, we’re all young, so people might not want to give us a chance, but from day one, we’ve been super busy, and it’s been really, really nice,” McKeehan said with a smile.

What sets this salon apart isn’t just the services they offer but the environment they’ve cultivated. McKeehan, Smith, Waters, and Nichols have made it a point to ensure that everyone who walks through their doors feels comfortable and respected. “We wanted it to feel very inclusive to anybody and everybody,” McKeehan explained. Their approach has resonated with clients, many of whom have praised the salon for its warm and friendly atmosphere. “We want everyone to feel like they can talk to us like they’ve known us for 100 years,” she added.

“We wanted it to feel like a safe space,” Smith added. “If you were having a bad day or a good day, we wanted you to be able to come in and not worry about it, just be yourself.” With Smith’s help, the salon also offers spa treatments, including facials and lashes. Smith and McKeehan also work together to provide event hair and makeup.

The facials are so relaxing, according to Smith, that people actually fall asleep during their service. “I’ve had a lot of people fall asleep,” she said. “Sometimes, I’ll sit there, and I’m listening—nobody’s talking—and I’m like, ‘I could fall asleep too.’ It’s very relaxing. It’s where you go to decompress.”

The success of the salon is not just a testament to the hard work of the owners but also to the strong bond they share with Waters and Nichols, who have been instrumental in building this thriving business. All four women share a unique connection that is deeply rooted in mutual respect and friendship. “Our friendship is what makes us such great businesswomen. We all inspire each other,” Waters reflected. “I think a lot of people say don’t work with your friends, don’t do business with your friends, but I think that’s what makes us unique. That’s what makes us such great businesswomen—our friendship.”

From left: Abby McKeehan, Jodie Smith, and Kayley Waters. Not pictured: Ashlee Nichols.

While McKeehan and Smith may hold the titles of owners, they make it clear that the salon operates as a collective effort. “It doesn’t matter whether you’re an owner or not. We all put in the same amount of work, and we treat each other as equals. That’s what makes our salon so unique,” Waters explained. This philosophy has created a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated, which is something clients immediately pick up on.

The salon’s growth is also a testament to the power of word-of-mouth in a close-knit community. Many clients have followed the stylists from their previous salon, drawn not only by their skill but by the genuine connections they’ve formed over the years. “We’ve had so many clients that have followed us over here. Immediately, they come in and say, ‘We just love the vibes in here,’” McKeehan shared. The salon’s warm, welcoming atmosphere has turned it into more than just a place to get a haircut—it’s become a hub for the community, a place where people feel comfortable and cared for.

As the salon continues to thrive, McKeehan, Smith, Waters, and Nichols are looking forward to becoming even more involved in the community. They have plans to participate in local events like the Blackbird Festival and Cabot Fest, and they’re eager to give back to the town that has welcomed them so warmly. “We’d love to set up booths at festivals, do hair tinsel and hair feathers, and just get our name out there,” McKeehan said. Their enthusiasm for community involvement reflects their commitment to making Ward a better place, not just through their business but through active participation in local events.

The future looks bright for this young salon. As they continue to build their reputation, McKeehan, Smith, Waters, and Nichols have their sights set on becoming a household name in Ward. “We want to be booked and busy all the time,” McKeehan said with determination. But beyond just business success, they’re focused on creating lasting relationships with their clients and being a positive force in the community.

For the residents of Ward, the opening of this new salon isn’t just about convenience; it’s a story of resilience, determination, and the power of community. McKeehan, Smith, Waters, and Nichols have proven that with hard work, a strong support system, and a little bit of courage, anything is possible—even turning a seemingly impossible dream into a thriving reality.

Courtney Edwards

About the Author

Courtney Edwards is the journalist for WhirLocal Cabot, bringing a passion for storytelling and local business coverage. A graduate of Arkansas State University with a bachelor's degree in multimedia journalism, Courtney has honed her skills as a business reporter for multiple Arkansas-based publications. As a proud Arkansas native, she is dedicated to spotlighting the community and sharing the stories that matter most to local residents.

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