WhirLocal Cabot

(1 review)

Cabot, Arkansas 72007

Community Spotlight: 3 Flamingos Frozen Yogurt and Boba Tea

Some people discover their passion early in life, while others stumble upon it unexpectedly. For Terra Master, owner of 3 Flamingos Frozen Yogurt and Boba Tea, the journey from a long career in EMS to running a beloved local shop was anything but planned. But sometimes, fate has a way of leading us exactly where we need to be.

“I knew my second week in class that I was like, I have found my thing,” Master recalls of her time training to become a paramedic. “I made a 21-year career out of it.” Those two decades were filled with intense experiences, from life-saving moments to the daily grind of working long, grueling hours. Burnout is common in EMS, with spending only five to 10 years in the industry a common occurrence. This was a reality Master’s mentor had warned her about early on. She took the advice to heart, but as she approached her 20th year at MEMS, she began to feel the weight of the job more acutely. “I told my husband, ‘I can make my 20 years at MEMS, but I want to find something to retire into after that 20-year mark.’”

That something came in an unexpected and painful way. In August 2022, while on a family cruise, Master suffered a severe ankle injury that left her in a state of uncertainty about her future. “I bopped when I should have weaved,” she recalls. “My ankle went one way, then the other, and snapped—shredded my ligaments and tendons.” The injury was severe enough to make her question whether she could ever return to the physically demanding work of EMS. Around the same time, an opportunity arose—3 Flamingos Frozen Yogurt and Boba Tea, a local shop, was up for sale. It was a chance encounter, much like the one that led her to EMS in the first place, and it felt like the right move for the next chapter of her life.

Photos courtesy of Terra Master

The move to 3 Flamingos Frozen Yogurt and Boba Tea wasn’t just a career shift for Master; it was a lifestyle change that brought peace to her and her family. Master’s daughter, who had once dreamed of following in her mother’s footsteps, had a change of heart after witnessing the aftermath of a traumatic event near their home. One of their neighbors was critically injured, and Master responded to the emergency. Her daughter saw her afterward, covered in blood, and from that point on, she was terrified for her mother to go to work. The transition to running 3 Flamingos provided a sense of stability and safety that her family desperately needed.

Now, instead of responding to emergencies, Master spends her days serving up sweet treats in a small, family-oriented community she loves. The transition has been a welcome change, not just for her, but for her daughter as well. “We get to be the highlight of people’s day,” Master says with a smile. “The whole family atmosphere—if the worst thing that happens is I run out of somebody’s favorite topping that day, hey, it didn’t involve death, destruction, or mayhem, so I’m happy with that.”

One of the unique aspects of 3 Flamingos is the ever-evolving menu, which now includes a popular Boba bar—a new addition Master introduced after noticing a growing interest in the trendy drink. “It’s a tea base, and then you put whatever flavors you want in it… they have totally been my obsession since last September,” she explains. Boba teas have a storied history, originating in Taiwan in the 1980s before gaining popularity across the globe. Master, always eager to offer something new to her customers, researched the best ways to make the teas and has since developed a range of flavors that have become customer favorites. “At first, I was using non-dairy creamer, but then I switched to whole milk, and it was a game changer.”

But running 3 Flamingos isn’t just about frozen yogurt and Boba teas. Master and her husband are deeply committed to supporting their community. Whether it’s donating to local causes or helping fellow small businesses get off the ground, they strive to make a positive impact. “Being able to contribute to causes like The CALL is very near and dear to our hearts and helping out our fellow small businesses,” Master says. This includes sponsoring events, providing gift cards for raffles, and even partnering with local vendors to enhance the offerings at 3 Flamingos Frozen Yogurt and Boba Tea. One such collaboration is with a local vendor who supplies claw machines for the shop. “We were his very first machine to put in anywhere,” Master says proudly. Turns out, he’s an ER nurse at the hospital where Master would frequently drop off patients.

Photo courtesy of Terra Master

Master’s dedication to community is further reflected in her support for The CALL, an organization that provides assistance to foster families. Over the years, she has donated everything from her daughter’s outgrown clothes and toys to a crib needed by a family fostering a newborn. “We call it a ‘God wink’ in our family,” she says, describing the serendipity of helping others just when they need it most.

Master recalls a particular moment when this “God wink” approach brought a sense of fulfillment. While debating whether to keep her daughter’s crib stored in their shed or donate it, the phone rang with a call that would make the decision for her. “We were having a conversation about whether we should hold on to the crib or let it go, and my mother-in-law got a call right then. A family who had just taken in a newborn through foster care was in desperate need of a crib,” Master recounts. “It was a no-brainer; we packed up the crib and sent it off that very day. Moments like that make you realize you’re exactly where you need to be.”

Looking ahead, Master is focused on making 3 Flamingos Frozen Yogurt and Boba Tea the best it can be. While there are dreams of expanding or perhaps exploring new ventures down the line, for now, she’s content with the pace of life in Cabot, AR. “There’s so much that I want… but we’re just not there yet on a lot of things,” she admits. “It’s always going to be a work in progress.”

As for the future, Master hopes that one day her daughter might take over the family business. “We would love to see her take it over one day,” she says. For now, her 10-year-old daughter is content with the idea of working at the shop on weekends while teaching Taekwondo during the week. “She’s already got her employment lined out for when she gets her driver’s license,” Master adds with a laugh.

For now, Master and her husband Hans are focused on the present, making sure that every customer leaves 3 Flamingos Frozen Yogurt and Boba Tea with a smile. “We’re a classic American couple that’s been married for 13 years… I love him to death, and I couldn’t see doing this life without him,” she says. “I love working with him up here, and it’s just been a great experience for us.”

Courtney Edwards

About the Author

Courtney Edwards is the journalist for WhirLocal Cabot, bringing a passion for storytelling and local business coverage. A graduate of Arkansas State University with a bachelor's degree in multimedia journalism, Courtney has honed her skills as a business reporter for multiple Arkansas-based publications. As a proud Arkansas native, she is dedicated to spotlighting the community and sharing the stories that matter most to local residents.

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