Talon Winery & Vineyards

4.8 out of 5 Write a Review

Google Reviews:

5 Star Review By Michael Whaley

Great variety, menu gives clear indication as to the wines flavors and sweetness. Robbie was fun and knowledgeable and made the experience more interesting. The location is awesome pure Kentucky countryside. The building is laid out nicely and a great place to drink a bottle and relax.

Michael Whaley Dec 28th, 2023 Google

5 Star Review By Charles Staley

This is a really great venue! My wife and I went there to try their wines. They have some really great wines. Thank you, Joy, for doing such a great job, and 5 stars to you individually for the job you did. They also have music performances and tours. I highly recommend visiting them.

Charles Staley Jun 19th, 2023 Google