Meadowbrook Park

4.1 out of 5 Write a Review

Google Reviews:

5 Star Review By Derek G

I grew up in Meadowbrook in the house at the top of the hill of the park. I loved it growing up. Having a creek and all kinds of wildlife to play with as a child was great. However, when I became a teenager, the neighborhood kind of went downhill. These are some pictures of my now remodeled house I grew up in. Haven't lived there for a long time I don't miss it.

derek g Mar 2nd, 2023 Google

4 Star Review By Karl Beisel

A small neighborhood park. It's pretty quiet, with few people there during the week, making it a good place to take your dog and let him or her off the leash for a bit. Small baseball field is in poor condition and rarely used. A rough trail parallels a nice stream to a glade further down and is a pleasant place to take a stroll.

Karl Beisel Oct 6th, 2020 Google