Indianapolis Grease Trap Services

Indianapolis Grease Trap Services

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For several years, Indianapolis Grease Trap Services has been taking care of countless businesses grease trap cleaning and pumping needs. Considering the fact that they are located directly in Indianapolis, Indiana and serve clients within a 20 mile radius, it is easy to see why. They are a fully operational grease pumping and clean and company. They operate a series of pump trucks in various sizes to take care of grease traps that are located in garages as well as large capacity grease interceptors located in industrial plants. We hire experienced drivers who are able to pump out and clean the grease traps to help keep them operating in pristine condition. We service a wide range of industries including kitchens, restaurants, manufacturing facilities as well as hospitals and many others. If you have a trap that needs pump or cleaned in Indianapolis, Indiana, please give us a call today.

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