Blazers Ice Centre

4.4 out of 5 Write a Review

Google Reviews:

5 Star Review By Stephen S

It's very nice having an ice rink, but it's a bit expensive but my wife did lessons and we take our toddler and have lots of fun. I recommend looking into the OKC Venture Pass which let's you come once a month for free. But if you are just looking for a once in a while thing absolutely visit this ice rink.

Stephen S Jan 16th, 2023 Google

4 Star Review By Chris Lambeth

I'm told that lots of new amenities were recently added and it makes this rink a very good one to visit. The facility is showing it's age though, with a broken ice machine and lack of enough concessions. Otherwise it's a fun rink to visit and see games at.

Chris Lambeth Oct 31st, 2022 Google