Bikram Yoga OKC

4.8 out of 5 Write a Review

Google Reviews:

5 Star Review By Ryan Steinolfson

We took the Bikram 90 minute class and had an awesome experience. The teacher was very enthusiastic and gave us excellent training. The room was heated very nicely and was very spacious and big enough to be least three people deep. The floor was a very thin carpet that I actually liked and was actually more like a fuzzy mat than carpet. They had a shower which was awesome to take after class especially being on the road in a van. The shower was very clean and the studio in general was very clean and organized. The class was $20 and we were also able to rent a mat and a mat towel. We did not have to wear any masks and not have to be vaccinated thank God. :-) We actually even had the choice of getting adjustments by the instructor which was nice after two years of no touching etc.

Ryan Steinolfson Mar 26th, 2022 Google

5 Star Review By James J

Best yoga studio I've ever visited. All of the benefits of Bikram without the drawbacks of acting like Bikram himself. I live in Denver, and have been to many hot yoga studios here. Never found one close to as good as this one in Oklahoma City.

James J Jan 4th, 2023 Google