Horribly Disappointed

I'm sure you will remove this from your website, but if you really care about how we feel then here you go... I would click zero stars if it were possible. This man is an egotistical jackass. Don't be fooled by his website or whatever referral you were given. This man is a sorry excuse for an attorney and I wish I would have followed my instinct the moment I met him. Instead, I hired him to help with a workers compensation claim for my grandfather. He NEVER did anything and after two years, I finally fired him. I was forced to withdraw the entire claim because by that point, my grandfather needed surgery so bad that we couldn't wait to hire another attorney at postpone the hearing once again. (Most doctors won't perform surgery while workers comp claim in pending). I tried numerous times to get him or his office to respond and the only time they contacted me was when they wanted to delay the hearing - again and again - and never had a reason to other than he wasn't doing ANYTHING on the case. I listened to the audio tape of the only deposition that was conducted in the TWO YEARS that he was supposedly working on the case - and he blew the entire depo with his arrogant attitude. Instead of cross examining the doctor and getting to the real truth that would help us -- he walked out of the depo pissed off at the doctor because she had met with the opposing council without telling him. The last email I sent to him told him exactly what I thought -- "you have failed us not only as an attorney, but as a fellow human being". This case should have went to a hearing and my grandfather should have had the surgery literally 1.5 years prior to the time I fired this incompetent person. Instead, his condition worsened as we waited and waited for this attorney to do his job. I won't even go into the unprofessional attitude received from his office staff. PLEASE whatever you do - find some other attorney that will actually help you. With this arrogant man, you are nothing but a number and a paycheck. He has NO desire to help you.

Written by Tabrina M. on March 15th, 2015

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