Advanced Physical Therapy & Rehab

Advanced Physical Therapy & Rehab

4.9 out of 5 Write a Review

Google Reviews:

5 Star Review By Phil Potratz

Everyone from the receptionist to the physical therapists have been fantastic! When I came, I could barely walk, and now I am able to do virtually any physical activity! My physical therapist, Dilesh Patel, is incredibly knowledgeable and gave me all of his time that I needed. He has used unique techniques and therapies which others had not mentioned. I had been seen by numerous podiatrists, orthopedic specialists, and physical therapist with minimal results, but now I am back on my feet! I cannot recommend this organization highly enough!

Phil Potratz Jun 7th, 2023 Google

5 Star Review By Phyllis Cooper

What a wonderful experience I have had at Advanced Physical Therapy! I can’t say that I’d ever want sciatic nerve pain again, BUT if I ever have pain like this or any other, I’ll know right where to come!! I walked in hurting and walked out pain-free!! And Dilesh, the owner and Dace, Ryan, Sarah and Cali made me feel so welcome! I really can’t say enough good things about them! They have been such a blessing in my life!❤️

Phyllis Cooper Jul 27th, 2023 Google