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Remove A Contact

If you no longer want a contact in your CRM, you can easily remove them. Click on Contacts, and search or scroll for the contact you would like to delete. Click on the trash can icon for that record. It will ask you to confirm that you would like to delete the record....

Edit A Contact

Once a contact has been added into your contacts, either manually by you or automatically when a contact fills out a form or writes a review, you can edit the contact to add or change information. You can also add or remove them to and from an individual marketing...

Importing Contacts Using Bulk Upload

In addition to adding contacts one at a time, you can also upload a list of contacts using our bulk upload tool. The bulk upload tool allows you to create a list in a .csv file. You can use a tool like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to create this file, and then...


As a local entrepreneur, time is one of your most valuable assets. Marketing automation allows you to set up small marketing actions that do work for you behind the scenes, so you can 1) be more consistent in your followup, and 2) work on the more important stuff in...