I remember the old days when you were a prisoner of whatever network television wanted to broadcast on television that was only accessible by an antenna. If you missed an episode, you had to wait until summer reruns to catch up on your favorite show. We live in a glory day of entertainment now. Your favorite shows are available at the press of a button or a smart screen. The problem now is there are just way too many choices available! That’s why I’m here to help you with the top five shows available for streaming now.  Don’t waste your time searching.  Check these shows out now!

OLI – Outside Looking In: The Shield (TV MA)

Before streaming any other show, you should immediately check out the best police show of all time.  The Shield. The Shield was one of the first gritty shows back in 2002. Originally shown on fX, The Shield features Vic Mackey (played by the guy from the Commish) as the leader of a corrupt LA Vice Squad. I don’t want to give away anything else in case you are not familiar. Get on Hulu and check it out now!

OLI 2:  The Boys (TV MA)

I was in a meeting today at work where someone was complaining about how they are tired of Marvel movies. The idea of having to watch 20-30 movies and shows to keep up with the storyline is a bit much for some people. Of course, I don’t like that line of thinking. If entertainment is good, search it out! If you are tired of the normal good guy superhero show, The Boys was made for you. This show is a reflection of society, but what happens if corporations and politicians had super powered flunkies? This show is not for the faint of heart. Shocking is a word that comes up often when thinking of this show. It is consistently excellent.  Find it on Prime.

Number Five:  Bookie (TV MA)

It seems everyone wants to talk about online sports gambling. Of course, everyone is always a big winner when they talk to you about it. No one wants to talk about how they have lost every bet they placed.  Bookie hearkens back to a time when people went directly to a live person to place their bets. This shows the often hilarious side of the life of a bookie that has to collect and stay on the good side of the law.  Available on Max.

Number Four:  The Great British Baking Show (safe for everyone!)

Some of these other shows are full of violence and they aren’t what you want to watch with your young children. The Great British Baking Show is great for all ages! The British comedian hosts do like to get cheeky with their jokes, but there is no bad language here. It’s a game show where the worst chefs get eliminated one by one until one person is crowned the best. There is no million dollar (or British pound) prize here. Instead the winner gets a silver serving tray.  Wow! Sometimes I have to have closed captioning on to understand some of the thicker accents, but it’s worth the trouble. I find this to be a pure show that showcases how nice people can be to each other during a competition. It’s touching even to a guy who likes such other violent shows! Highly recommended on Netflix. 

Number Three:  Ted Lasso (TV MA)

If you haven’t already heard a million times by now, Ted Lasso is the ultimate feel good show. You don’t have to like soccer (futbol, football, whatever!) to enjoy this show. The premise of an American Football coach put in charge of a sport he doesn’t know is comedy that writes itself. Lucky for us, the writers are incredibly talented and take this show in directions you won’t see coming. Mostly the direction ends up being one that warms your heart and gives you hope for humanity. This show single handedly helped a lot of people make it through the pandemic. Watch it now on Apple TV.

Number Two – What If? (TV 14)

I can’t keep my geek credibility if I leave out Marvel entirely from this list. What If? has two seasons available for streaming now, and it is everything your resident comic movie geek will love. This show does not follow along with the normal storyline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Instead they ask what if something different happened? This is an animated show, but it keeps most of the same voice actors as the live movies and shows. This does stretch the imagination a bit, and the first season may get a little scary for little ones. Still the way these seasons link seemingly unrelated stories together is pretty great. See it now on Disney!

Number One – Reacher (TV MA)

I’d say this is number one with a bullet, but there are MANY bullets used in this show. Alan Ritchson was previously known as Aquaman on Smallville. I remember thinking that character was pretty terrible on that show. So terrible that it stopped me from watching the first season when it was first released. Thankfully I had so many people recommend this show to me that my wife and I recently binged the first two seasons in under a week. This show moves along at a break neck pace while breaking a bunch of necks. Reacher is a retired head of a special military unit that trouble seems to follow. There is mystery, drama, action, and great overall television here. I may be a prisoner of the moment since I just finished this show, but I this is the top show that must be streamed now on Prime.

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