WhirLocal Searcy

(9 reviews)

Searcy, AR

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the importance of a positive workplace culture cannot be overstated. However, creating such an environment often requires more than just good intentions—it demands expertise, experience, and a deep understanding of human behavior. This is where Scripted Group steps in to bridge the gap between businesses and the thriving cultures they aspire to build.

The Genesis of Scripted Group

The Scripted Group team has an extensive background in counseling, education, consulting and experiential learning that has equipped them with unique insights into human dynamics and workplace behavior. Dr. Todd Patten and Dr. Marc Fager both Senior Strategists located in Searcy, bring over 20 years of experiential learning. Todd describes it as his “favorite part of teaching, counseling, and interacting with people.” Marc, also an educator, shares this passion, viewing the workplace as a critical space where people not only spend a significant portion of their lives but also seek to meet various personal and professional needs.

Todd explains, “Work is like the majority of where people spend their lives and where they get a lot of needs met. But sometimes we separate our lives out from work and life.” This understanding of the workplace as a central part of life led them to create Scripted Group, a company focused on making work environments safe, engaging, and productive.

A Unique Approach to Workplace Improvement

Scripted Group’s approach is anything but conventional. Instead of relying on traditional methods like PowerPoint presentations and lectures, Todd and Marc employ a variety of experiential activities and games designed to uncover and address the underlying dynamics within a team. These activities often include scripts created using AI, though, as Todd emphasizes, “Scripted Group means more than just these scripts—it’s about your life script, your role in your life and in your workplace.”

The aim is to create a space where employees can engage in activities that are fun yet challenging, helping them to step out of their comfort zones and see themselves and their colleagues in a new light. Marc explains that through these activities, “people learn things about each other that they didn’t know before and from a unique perspective—not in a way that they’re going to get by sitting down at a lunchroom table.”

Benefits for CEOs and Businesses

One of the core strengths of Scripted Group lies in its ability to help CEOs and business leaders connect more deeply with their teams. Todd and Marc understand that leadership can often feel isolating, with CEOs bearing the burden of making tough decisions while feeling disconnected from their employees. Scripted Group’s experiential learning techniques help bridge this gap, fostering a culture of trust, openness, and mutual understanding.

“Trust goes both ways,” Marc notes. “CEOs have to be willing to be vulnerable, to hear from their employees, and to model the kind of risk-taking that inspires the entire team.” This approach not only helps in building stronger relationships within the organization but also leads to tangible benefits such as improved communication, reduced workplace anxiety, and increased overall productivity.

Real-World Impact

The impact of Scripted Group’s work is evident in the success stories they’ve accumulated. Todd and Marc recall instances where their methods have led to significant breakthroughs within organizations. One memorable case involved a team where one member’s willingness to be vulnerable sparked a ripple effect, leading to increased openness and trust among the entire group. “That one person’s vulnerability became the catalyst for others feeling safe to be vulnerable,” Marc recalls. “It was just a moment where the whole dynamic of the group changed for the better.”

In another instance, they worked with a company struggling with burnout and work-life balance issues. Through their experiential activities, Scripted Group was able to identify and address the underlying stressors, ultimately helping the team to reconnect with their purpose and improve their overall morale.

Scripted Group’s Philosophy

At the heart of Scripted Group’s philosophy is the belief that work should be more than just a series of obstacles—it should be an adventure. Todd articulates this idea by comparing work to an exciting journey rather than a dull obstacle course: “An adventure that has obstacles is very interesting. And so I want to see the adventure and I want people to see the adventure and the goal that they have.”

This perspective is what drives Scripted Group’s mission to create workplaces where employees feel safe to take risks, be honest, and grow. They aim to shift the focus from merely overcoming challenges to embracing the journey and finding joy in the process.

Contact Scripted Group!

Scripted Group is more than just a business; it’s a transformative experience for companies looking to cultivate a positive, productive, and connected workplace culture. With Dr. Todd Patten and Dr. Marc Fager at the helm, local businesses can expect to see not just improved performance but a renewed sense of purpose and camaraderie among their teams. As they continue to expand their reach, Scripted Group stands ready to help organizations of all sizes unlock their full potential by making work an inspiring adventure.

Follow Scripted Group’s social media below:

Website – https://www.scriptedgroup.com/

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7218585122915110912/

Ana Sofia+Lacayo

About the Author

Ana Lacayo is the journalist for WhirLocal Searcy. As a proud local, she is passionate about supporting local businesses and committed to spotlighting the community and sharing the stories that matter most to local residents. 


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