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1018 E New Circle Rd #206B.2
Lexington, Kentucky 40505
(505) 449-7426

Leben Mjos, the owner of Viking Iron LLC and a full-time firefighter for the city of Frankfort, has a story rooted deeply in family, resilience, and artistry. Born and raised in western Kentucky, Leben’s life journey has been shaped by his Bluegrass roots and his unyielding love for his family.

“I was born and raised in Murray, Kentucky. My wife is from Woodford County. We’re Kentuckians,” Leben begins, setting the stage for a story that intertwines personal trials and triumphs with professional dedication.

At 44, Leben is a proud father of four who has had his share of heartache. His eldest daughter is 15. She was followed by four tragic losses, including two stillbirths and two miscarriages. Next came his eldest son, who is 8, and the twins, who are 5 years old. “After those dark years of loss, grief, and devastation…hope was challenging to maintain. We felt so blessed when we got pregnant with our eldest son. He was born on his due date and brought a lot of healing due to the losses prior to his birth.”

The Mjos family story took another miraculous turn with the birth of their twins, a rare case of superfetation twins, conceived five to seven weeks apart yet born at the same time. “The nurse practitioner took one look at them and said, ‘Get all the students in here. They’ll never see this again in their career.’ It was the second time in ten years she had seen such a case.” This rare event is a testament to the faith, resilience, and uniqueness that define the Mjos family and God’s goodness in their lives. Leben’s journey into the fire service was sparked by personal tragedy and a desire to never feel powerless again. “During our pregnancy losses, my wife was hemorrhaging and on the verge of losing her life too. I felt more powerless than I ever have in my entire life. The fire department came in with their superhero capes and took care of business.”

Driven by his past experiences, and a nudge by the current Fire Chief of Versailles, Leben began his career as a firefighter at the age of 37, overcoming fears and challenges to become the last line of defense in emergencies. “Our experiences made me want to be a better man for my awe-inspiring wife and family. To learn techniques to help my family and others.”

Parallel to his firefighting career, Leben nurtures his passion for blacksmithing through his ornamental iron company, Viking Iron LLC. Coming from a family of artists, his journey into metalwork was a natural progression. Art has played a significant role in his family for generations, with childhood memories filled with sculpting and firing clay, working with porcelain, and creating oil paintings alongside his parents, uncles, and grandparents. His Uncle Tom, a Vietnam veteran and truck driver, was “an absolute whiz with fixing stuff” and had a gift for metal fabrication. His dad is a talented and accomplished oil painter and portrait artist. Growing up in this artistic environment fostered Leben’s desire to create, leading him to explore blacksmithing.

Leben’s blacksmithing journey began with necessity and curiosity. “We didn’t have a whole lot of money, so I got really good at working with my hands and figuring stuff out. If I wanted something, I needed to either fix it or build it,” he recalls. “I started welding when I was 17 and have been doing it ever since.” His first forge was a brake drum and some hardwood charcoal from Kroger, evolving into a full-fledged blacksmithing setup with both coal and propane forges. “Intuition took over,” he says, describing his self-taught approach, learning from books, videos, and a lot of trial and error. “I didn’t just step into this and was good at it. As a society, we have this Facebook mentality that we have these super doctored, edited lives. People only see the shiny parts. We need to remember that we’re human, and we learn from our mistakes.”

Today, Viking Iron LLC is known for its custom handrails, forged roses, vines, trees, and intricate sculptures. Leben is renowned for his internationally acclaimed “Brun” Stallion (Old Norse for “Fire”), a life-size steel horse bust with a flaming mane. He meticulously hand-bent each piece and positioned every steel tendon to craft this majestic sculpture. “I forge all my own cap rails, scrolls, and newel posts. I can control the quality from start to finish and make something unique for my clients that fits their vision along with meeting their needs.” Leben’s craftsmanship is a blend of forging and fabricating, with a focus on exceeding client expectations.

“I just recently did a gate for a client, and the best part of the job was the joy on her face when she realized it was even better than she anticipated. I really care about giving my clients pieces that are both functional and beautiful—that fully capture their vision and make it tangible.”

Balancing his demanding job as a firefighter with his passion for blacksmithing is no small feat. “In addition to working full-time in the shop, I work full-time at the fire department. It’s 24 hours on, 48 off.

So I’m away from my family for a significant period of time,” he explains. Despite the challenges, Leben finds time to nurture his craft and involve his children in his work. “My passion is my wife and my kids. The biggest impact I can make in the world is training my kids to be good, honorable, and helpful people.”

Some of Leben’s proudest moments come from seeing his children learn and create. They are not just bystanders in his blacksmithing journey; they are active participants. His children are interested in the artistry of metalwork, often using their imaginations and working alongside him to create their visions.

They find pieces of scrap, and together they have crafted some of these ideas, including a little helmet, shield, and body armor that they can use for protection when they play “royal knights.”

Leben Mjos is not just forging metal at Viking Iron; he is forging a legacy. Through his dedication to faith, family, and artistry, he hammers out pieces that tell a story of resilience and passion. Whether with his family, at the firehouse, or in the forge, he is motivated by a desire to protect, create, and inspire. His craftsmanship at Viking Iron stands as a testament to his skill and his unwavering devotion to his family and community.

For those interested in seeing Leben’s artistry or hiring him for custom work, visit vikingiron.com and follow him on social media, including his YouTube channel @blacksmithviking.

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