WhirLocal Searcy

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Searcy, AR

Community Spotlight: Compassionate Care Clinic

In the heart of Searcy, Arkansas, one woman’s resilience and unwavering faith have created a beacon of hope for many. Holly Bunn, an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) and owner of Compassionate Care Clinic, has turned her personal struggles into a mission to help others rebuild their lives.

Bunn’s journey began with significant challenges. “I was homeless twice in one year with my four kids,” she recalls. Despite these hardships, she remained determined to establish her practice. “When you’ve lived it, you know what they’re going through. Living through post-separation abuse, not sure where your next meal is going to come from for you or your kids. So I just know where those mamas and daddies are and it’s frightening, and I want them to know that this clinic can be a help to them.”

Compassionate Care Clinic offers general medical services, with a significant focus on substance use disorder treatment. Bunn’s passion for this area is deeply personal. “One of my dreams has always been to help women, especially women with children, who have either made bad choices or been in situations where life happened to them, and it wasn’t their fault. They’ve had to restart.” This vision aligns with the clinic’s mission to “glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. Love one another. Build a healthy community one individual at a time. Excluding none, all are welcome.”

The clinic’s involvement with the local community extends beyond patient care. Bunn is particularly proud of being a sub-recipient with Restore Hope and 100 Families, organizations specializing in family care. “If we could cure our family problem, we could cure a lot of madness in the world,” she states.

The transformation in her patients is profound and immediate. “It’s seeing that life come back to people who are just at their last,” Bunn explains. “They come in, won’t look at you, but within a week of treatment, they’re making eye contact, they look better, they feel better.”

Bunn’s journey to owning and operating her clinic was anything but straightforward. “The building had issues; the roof failed, I had to get a new roof put on. I was working the whole time, but attorney’s fees are outrageous. Once the divorce was final, I was able to continue practicing, make the repairs, and just keep going forward.” Her faith played a crucial role in her perseverance. “I’d have nothing if it wasn’t for the good Lord.”

Operating her own practice offers Bunn the flexibility she needs as a mother and a professional. “I needed some flexibility. At the hospital, we had to sign up for 12-hour shifts… Being able to schedule off on Thursday afternoons to go to a football game, that’s the big thing that made me want to do something different.” This autonomy also allows her to incorporate her beliefs into her work environment. “If I want to hang a prayer in my office, I can do that.”

Looking to the future, Bunn aims to expand her services. “I would love to have another provider here, one that could provide medical care for the kids… I would love to have a child therapist available too so that the family could get both mental health and medical care under one umbrella here at the clinic.”

Despite the challenges, Bunn remains hopeful and determined. “If Compassionate Care could be a light for the community and just help families, that would just make my heart happy.” 

Compassionate Care Clinic stands out for its compassionate approach to healthcare. “We are all caring and compassionate. We’re not going to run you through like cattle. We want to take time with you. We want to be your support, we want to be friends. I don’t want to just give somebody medicine. I want them to have a home. I want their kids to have their needs met.” 

For more information about Compassionate Care Clinic, visit their website

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