In the quiet town of London, Ky the Hayden family experienced a miracle that strengthened their faith and challenged the boundaries of medical understanding. This is the story of Elijah Hayden, a baby born with a rare genetic disorder, and how his family’s unwavering belief in the power of prayer led to an extraordinary turn of events.

Elijah’s Birth and Unexpected Diagnosis

Brooke Hayden, Elijah’s mother, recounts the day following her son’s birth. Just hours after bringing Elijah home, Brooke & Sean received a call that would change their lives. The hospital informed them that Elijah had tested positive for Phenylketonuria (PKU) during his newborn screening. PKU is a genetic disorder where the body cannot break down an amino acid called phenylalanine, leading to severe brain damage, intellectual disabilities, behavioral symptoms, or seizures if not managed properly. Brooke and her husband, Sean, were advised to meet with specialists immediately the next day.

Confronting a Life-Altering Condition

In a state of disbelief, Brooke and Sean met with doctors who confirmed the likelihood of Elijah having PKU. They explained that there were two types of PKU: classic, which is more severe, and hyperphenylalaninemia, the less severe version. Brooke and Sean had hoped that the test was a false positive however the experts said that there was less than a 2% chance of that ever happening. Despite the grim prognosis, Brooke and Sean held onto hope. They refused to accept the diagnosis as final and turned to their faith for solace and strength.

Strengthened Faith in the Face of Adversity

Post 1 week after Elijah's Birth

Brooke, who hadn’t been deeply religious until her late twenties, found her faith intensifying during this challenging time. She shared how, during her pregnancy with Elijah, a prayer to God relieved her of excruciating sciatic pain several times in great need. This experience opened her eyes to the power of prayer. Their faith was further tested when Elijah was born not breathing and turning a darker purple when in Brooke’s arms. Recalling her EMT training, Brooke rubbed and stimulated Elijah but he was still getting darker in color and not moving or responding to her. The nurses took him and gave 6 positive pressure ventilations all while she felt “the most helpless” she had ever felt in her entire life. She prayed internally for him to be okay, but it wasn’t until she cried out loud “God, let me hear him cry” that he let out a cry. She knew a crying baby was a breathing baby so the fact that he cried as soon as she said those particular words deepened her belief in divine intervention. 

A Community of Support and Prayer

So after leaving the specialists and  they awaited further tests, Brooke and Sean decided to pray for a miracle. They prayed fervently, believing that God had the power to heal Elijah’s DNA. 

Elijah’s journey was filled with challenges. He underwent regular blood tests to monitor his phenylalanine levels. Brooke and Sean were told to prepare for the worst, as his condition could deteriorate at any moment. Despite this, they remained steadfast in their faith, joining support groups, following doctor’s orders, researching what others were going through, all while continuously praying for Elijah’s healing.

The Turning Point: A Community’s Prayer

The turning point came when Elijah was about six months old. Brooke and Sean visited a new church where they happened to be  teaching about the healing power of Jesus Christ. During their 2nd service there, they took Elijah to the front to be prayed over, believing that this would be the moment of his healing. Once they had hands laid on him they started to thank God for healing him instead of asking for it to be done. In the months that followed, Elijah’s test results began showing remarkable improvement. His phenylalanine levels dropped significantly, defying medical expectations.

A Miracle Unfolds

At his one-year check-up, the doctors were astounded. Elijah’s levels were so low without ever having to stop breastfeeding and very little of the special PKU newborn formula that they encouraged introducing him to normal foods, something previously thought impossible. Just one month of having an unrestricted diet his levels were of a normal child for the first time, a clear indication that something miraculous had occurred. His numbers were always in a safe range but above what a child without PKU would have until now.

The Power of Faith and the Impact of Prayer

Brooke’s story is a testament to the power of faith and prayer. She encourages others to never be afraid to ask for a miracle, citing Mark 11 verses 22-25 from the Bible, where Jesus speaks of having faith in God and the power of prayer. The journey of Elijah Hayden serves as a reminder that sometimes, the greatest miracles happen when we choose to believe in the seemingly impossible.

This story is not just about a medical anomaly; it’s about a family’s unwavering faith in the face of adversity. It’s a story that offers hope and inspiration to all, particularly those who believe in a higher power’s ability to intervene in our lives. The miracle of Elijah Hayden stands as a beacon of faith, love, and the mysterious ways in which Christ Jesus can manifest in our lives.

Glory to God for the miracles that he provides today, just as he has done in the past. Through Jesus Christ all things are possible.

Mark 11:22-25 in the English Standard Version (ESV) reads

And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

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