Thompson Lane Trailhead

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5 Star Review By Michael J. Stoetzel

☆This review was corrected on January 3, 2019 after I re-read it and found that I put the description of three separate trailheads together. I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused anyone.☆ I've been visiting the Thompson Lane Trailhead and the trail head off West college street and connecting greenway trail(s) off, and on, since 1996. The W. College street trailhead has plenty of parking, a spacious covered picnic area including several long and/or divided picnic tables as well as play ground for the younger children. While also offering very well maintained bathroom facilities and a cold water drinking fountain. There is plenty of well maintained grassy area's for people of all ages to use a place for light sports like, frisbee, or playing pitch - with a ball and glove, or, any family friendly park-like games. (Connecting to the Stones River battlefield behind Murfreesboro Outdoors) With the clearing of the (originally fenced off dirt path) where the trail previosly stopped, (or started from), at the concrete canoe/kiyack ramp into the Stones River waters back in the 1990's, hiking/walking enthusiests can directly walk from this the Thompson Lane trail head just a very short walking distance to the back entrance of the location marked with a tall monument and cannons set in place honoring the brave soldiers who fought and died there in January of 1863. When a fierce battle between Union and Confederate Soldiers had 1800 human casualties in just three days! The beauty of the Stones River running it's course along the trail, makes it hard to imagine that at one point it was a place of such violence, and tragedy. The City of Murfreesboro, and, County of Rutherford, Tennessee gained an ir-replaceable asset, when the greenway trail(s) were built and by providing informational stands that are marked with photos and written descriptions of the "Battle of Stones River", or sometimes called "The Battle of Murfreesboro", and what reportably happened at the very or, nearby location(s) you are standing as you read historical accounts of the great decisive Civil War battle. Anyway you call it! The trailheads and scenery along the trail, definately was/is, a great addition to Murfreesboro (since it's inception.) Which allows a place for residents and visitors to relax, fish, walk, and enjoy the serenity that it brings. Can you tell I love it??!!

Michael j. Stoetzel Jan 3rd, 2019 Google

5 Star Review By Michelle Lovell

My heaven on Earth 🌎. Please help me keep this park clean. I cannot do it alone.

Michelle Lovell Nov 29th, 2022 Google