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“From Local Yuma Entrepreneur to International Success: The Inspiring Story of Jackie Alves & The Beauty Bar”
News & Updates
We're so proud to serve the women of Yuma and offer opportunities for them to grow through programs like our Professional Makeup Artist Academy and collaborations with the locally based Arizona Skincare Institute. Our Co-Founder & Head Educator, Jackie Alves had the opportunity to speak to the students of the Skincare Institute about their next steps in business, goals, dreams, and even extend a special offer for them to attend our in-house Makeup Academy. Together, with other community-focused businesses, we're hoping to bring growth and opportunity to the women of Yuma, no matter what their age or season of life.
Beauty Bar Makeup Academy Graduates
I'm so excited for the 2 new Makeup Academy graduates we honored yesterday! They worked so hard & I can't wait to see where this new adventure takes them!