5 Star Review By Steve Turner
Our toddler loves all things trains, so the Trolley Museum was a must stop for us AND it was a rousing success! If you even have a remote curiosity about trains/trolleys/transportation, this is a must visit!!!! They have a rebuilt track with restored trolleys from throughout the United States that the volunteer conductors will give you an enjoyable history about! While you're riding the trolleys (which is unlimited rides while you're there as part of your ticket) you'll get a great overview of the history of the museum and the trolley line itself. The whole ride is about 35-45 minutes. In addition to that, there's tons of trolleys being restored or have been restored on-site that you can checkout as well as buses and other vehicles. There's restored railroad crossings and so much more. This a worthwhile visit that has left at least our toddler begging for us to take him again!