Harbor Horizon Financial

Harbor Horizon Financial

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Financial planning isn’t just about crunching numbers, it’s about helping people turn their dreams into reality.

Growing up I noticed the financial struggles many people faced, which fueled my interest in personal finance. Recognizing that financial literacy is a huge pain point in society and often overlooked in our education system, I set out to take control of my financial life.

While going through college debt-free, I started my first business, making car parts, motorcycle parts, and metal art. That experience taught me valuable lessons the hard way, but I quickly realized my true passion wasn’t in metalwork—it was in helping people navigate their finances.

Today, I’m deeply committed to the financial planning profession. I earned my CFP® (CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®) and CEPA (Certified Exit Planning Advisor) designations to better serve my clients. I’m actively involved in my local Financial Planning Association (FPA), as well as mentoring students and aspiring fin…

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